Excellent heads-up again, but beyond the obvious questions of there not being a peep on this in the local press, this is the next shoe to drop:
[A national recall of 2013-15 Ram 2500 model pickup trucks equipped with 6.7-liter Cummins diesel engines has been requested because the engines allegedly do not meet emissions standards]

Cummins use an outside supplier for the 'after-treatment' system on the Sharyos, it could even be BBD from memory, whatever, if these engines are throwing rods, I have to seriously question how compliant the "Tier IV" status is on them? There's been rumours on that for some time...
Excellent heads-up again, but beyond the obvious questions of there not being a peep on this in the local press, this is the next shoe to drop:
[A national recall of 2013-15 Ram 2500 model pickup trucks equipped with 6.7-liter Cummins diesel engines has been requested because the engines allegedly do not meet emissions standards]

Cummins use an outside supplier for the 'after-treatment' system on the Sharyos, it could even be BBD from memory, whatever, if these engines are throwing rods, I have to seriously question how compliant the "Tier IV" status is on them? There's been rumours on that for some time...
I have heard and not my field that various Cummins engines in transit buses are having issues as well.
I have heard and not my field that various Cummins engines in transit buses are having issues as well.
Thanks for that. It's a shame, since the attempt at cleaning up exhaust (as well as you can, Diesel is under renewed scrutiny for gases, not particulates) but a lot of 'emissions level claims' were not only manic, they were criminal misrepresentations, as VW (and others) have clearly shown. Ironically, it's going to be US regulators that clamp down on this, not Ontario ones, and in SMART's case, California regulators.

There's a lot more to come on this...and in a way, I've got to hand it to the Weston and other groups demanding electric from the very start. They were, and still are, a pain in the ass (it's still far less pollution than from the cars these trains keep off the road) but electric was right, right from the start, for many reasons. The present Sharyo stock has left that corridor crippled in ways.
"Lowest bid wins" rules on Canadian tenders don't help.
I don't think the UP trains went out to bid.....thet found that another transit agency had an option on these vehicles at a really good price but they were not taking up the option......so ML took the option vehicles (IIRC)
I don't think the UP trains went out to bid.....thet found that another transit agency had an option on these vehicles at a really good price but they were not taking up the option......so ML took the option vehicles (IIRC)
The price was never "really good"...there was a fair amount of bad press in Sonoma at the cost, but it was the lowest bid.
After years of study and analysis, the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) concluded that FRA-compliant DMUs would be best suited for the service. The SMART Board issued a request for proposals in April 2010. Proposals were received from CAF, Sumitomo Corporation of America (Nippon Sharyo), Siemens, Stadler, and US Rail Car. Firms were also allowed to submit non-FRA compliant proposals. Siemens had submitted an FRA-compliant design along with the non-compliant Desiro design. Stadler had only submitted the non-compliant GTW design.

Sumitomo's proposal had scored best and it was recommended that the SMART Board award them the contract. The SMART Board placed a base order for 18 (later reduced to 14) DMUs in December 2010. [...]

In February 2011, Metrolinx joined the competitively tendered order by SMART. Metrolinx ordered 12 DMUs for use on the Union Pearson Express which will link Toronto's downtown to the airport.[4] The option for six additional DMUs was taken in October 2011 and will allow for six 3-car trains. [5]

The DMUs begin construction at Nippon Sharyo's Toyokawa facility in Japan. Final assembly takes place at the expanded Rochelle facility in the United States. The first two cars built for SMART were shipped to the United States at the end of spring 2014 followed by those for Metrolinx in the summer. Metrolinx's cars will enter service on the Union Pearson Express in June 2015, while SMART's will enter service in late 2016.

Here's Metrolinx' news release on it:

Railway Age:
The cars (depicted above) are scheduled for delivery in 2014, with ARL service to begin in 2015. To speed up delivery of the vehicles and at the same time obtain price benefits, Metrolinx combined its procurement requirements with California’s Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Procurement Contract.

Last December SMART ordered 18 DMUs from Sumitomo and Nippon Sharyo, with options available to the California agency or other authorities; Metrolinx expressed its interest in exercising such an option earlier this year.

Gino Antoniello, vice president, Transportation Systems Unit, Sumitomo Corp. of America, said the contract “not only represents our entry into the Canadian marketplace, but confirms that the DMU is a remarkable product. I believe we will see more and more municipalities looking at this technology as a way to start a first rail transit system or use it as a feeder link to larger commuter systems.”

There was interest from Sound Transit, but the price of these units was so high that they used non-FRA compliant units with a waiver from the FRA. The price on these units would now be twice what it is then, a point that raises further hackles in the Sonoma County press and area. They're now questioning as to what they've gotten themselves into.
When I took the UPE there were no plebs and it cost nearly $40 for a round trip.

Time to abandon this line of thought. It is seven months since the price reset and the trains are well used. More people will change travel patterns in time.

UPX. Successful and very busy at times. Wait until you can catch it at Mount Denis and you don't need to start downtown to catch it, or Metrolinx gets its shit together and digs under Crossways to properly connect Dundas West to Bloor GO/UPX. That will add a pair of major (convenient) access points other than Union Station.
How do you consider 7200 passengers a day "successful?" Considering this is suppose to be a transit line as Metrolinx built it and Metrolinx is responsible for transit in the GTA and it cost $500 million, the ridership is nothing short of abysmal.
How do you consider 7200 passengers a day "successful?" Considering this is suppose to be a transit line as Metrolinx built it and Metrolinx is responsible for transit in the GTA and it cost $500 million, the ridership is nothing short of abysmal.

It's not a 'transit line' in any conventional sense. (Only TTCRiders and Cheri DiNovo) think that.)

Call back in five years. If everyone is this impatient in the first thirty six months of RER or Crosstown, God help the decision makes as there'll be baying for their heads.

I use UPX weekly from Union to Pearson. It replaces car trips that cost more and often took an hour or more.

We all need to be patient. Too many of the connecting nodes in the network are still absent. This is going to take twenty years to be really great and five more to be mostly good or acceptable for North America's fourth largest urban area.
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I have heard and not my field that various Cummins engines in transit buses are having issues as well.

Every Cummins 6.7 engine (called the ISB in a transit application) since about 2007 - and that includes several million Dodge and Nissan pickup trucks - is susceptible to the injector issues that the transit buses are having right now. The larger 8.9 (also known as the ISL) has also been having its own set of issues, primarily with exhaust circuits, although it's not nearly as bad as what's been happening with the 6.7s or the QSK-19s.

Toronto, Ont.
