I'm not aware. Something is in the back of my mind, so I can't swear to it. No, I didn't think it mentioned the games. I thought it referenced not until at least the fall, or something ... but I certainly don't have anything at hand!

They have to do two staffing increases - 1 for the UP, and 2 for the increased Georgetown service. Not a surprise, that they won't be simultaneous.

And they had 5 years to plan for them.

Is everything in place from Etobicoke to Mount Pleasant yet for full-day service? I'm not sure what construction is currently ongoing, other than the signalling upgrades which should be finished mid-year or so. Where does dark territory begin?

Not sure what construction work remains......seems to be mostly platform and station work going on...but they did publicly declare the GTS project substantially complete late last fall.
There have been no adjustments to schedules if that is what you mean. I have, however, noticed that on a few of my most recent trips there has been a longer stop time at some stations (even some with announcements that say this train will be leaving in 2 minutes) which never used to happen before........a layman's observation is that they have picked up small amounts of travel speed but since the schedules have not been adjusted they are making sure they are at each station at the scheduled time. Others with more direct knowledge would know for sure.

OK. I just figured that with new tracks and since the train doesn't need to slow down at grade crossings anymore, I would've expected a speed boost as a result of this project.
OK. I just figured that with new tracks and since the train doesn't need to slow down at grade crossings anymore, I would've expected a speed boost as a result of this project.
At a minimum, it should go back to the faster pre-construction schedule. As that hasn't happened yet, then I'd assume there is a schedule change coming. Union to Georgetown used to be 60 minutes, and is about 66 to 67 minutes on the current schedule.

Georgetown to Union used to be 55 minutes, and is about 66-70 minutes currently.
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Is everything in place from Etobicoke to Mount Pleasant yet for full-day service? I'm not sure what construction is currently ongoing, other than the signalling upgrades which should be finished mid-year or so. Where does dark territory begin?

Dark territory doesn't begin until Silver, does it not?

On that note, from the GO service thread:

Via Rail gave us an update on the CTC install along Guelph Junction (Silver (Georgetown) to London) stating "Much work already done on this. Expect to complete & activate by mid-2015."

Perhaps a service increase on GTS could be rolled into more service for Guelph and Kitchener? I know the problems of CN traffic between Halwest and Silver remain, as well as lack of storage capacity at Kitchener, but could GO have something up its sleeve?
Dark territory doesn't begin until Silver, does it not?
Ah, of course ... certainly well west of Mount Pleasant, now I think of it.

Hmm ... I just realised there'll soon be two Mount Pleasant stations in the GTA - one in Brampton on the Kitchener line, and one in Toronto on the Eglinton line. Oops ...
Ah, of course ... certainly well west of Mount Pleasant, now I think of it.

Hmm ... I just realised there'll soon be two Mount Pleasant stations in the GTA - one in Brampton on the Kitchener line, and one in Toronto on the Eglinton line. Oops ...

I would be all for changing the names of the GO stations to Brampton West - Brampton Central - Brampton East.
That's normally the 1st Monday in April, isn't it? April 6? Though presumably they'd be running the trains empty for a little while, to get the kinks out.

Though April 6 is Easter Monday this year.

So presumably by mid-April sometime. Which matches the whispering I've heard.

Last Sunday of April(and October) is when the change of card commences as per the collective agreement.

There have been no adjustments to schedules if that is what you mean. I have, however, noticed that on a few of my most recent trips there has been a longer stop time at some stations (even some with announcements that say this train will be leaving in 2 minutes) which never used to happen before........a layman's observation is that they have picked up small amounts of travel speed but since the schedules have not been adjusted they are making sure they are at each station at the scheduled time. Others with more direct knowledge would know for sure.

OK. I just figured that with new tracks and since the train doesn't need to slow down at grade crossings anymore, I would've expected a speed boost as a result of this project.

They'll be no significant change in travel times until the schedule changes. Under no circumstance are we permitted to leave a station early(except emergencies). A crew just recently left a station 2 minutes early - they had to have a little talk with the boss the next day.

Presumably they're waiting until all the work is competed and will then adjust the schedules rather than take a piece meal approach and change it bit by bit. Which imo is somewhat understandable, repeated minor schedule changes can really throw people off.
Last Sunday of April(and October) is when the change of card commences as per the collective agreement.
Ah, that goes back to the old CN timetables ... for many, many years.

How has GO been managing their early April/early September/early January schedule changes? If I recall the 60-minute to 30-minute Lakeshore change was late June. Wouldn't that require a huge scheduling change?
Not sure what construction work remains......seems to be mostly platform and station work going on...but they did publicly declare the GTS project substantially complete late last fall.

It seemed pretty clear to me that by "substantially complete" they meant that the whole corridor was now grade separated, with the three big multi-hundred-million-dollar megaprojects all now at a point where they were now being used by trains. Someone can correct me if I've fallen behind recent events, but I think all the new tracks and signals still aren't fully finished and fired up all the way to the airport, and those tracks aren't yet all served by finished station platforms. (There are also a couple things outstanding that are presumably irrelevant to launch timing, like cross-streets like Denison still being closed.)

Just spitballing here, but I would guess if you were proportionately weight out the various bits of GTS by contract value, the whole thing was then about 95% complete at Christmas. It just so happens the final 5% is kind of important to the actual running of new service.

Also, bear in mind that when they started 5 years ago there was a hard deadline of Pan-Am for UP set by the politicians, but nothing more precise committed than "2015" for more GO. Big transit projects that last 5+ years, whether in Toronto or anywhere else, don't exactly have a great track record of landing within 5% of their forecast completion date. If they had fallen badly behind schedule, I bet you would have seen all manner of scrambling to throw all the original construction plans out the window in order to get some kind of Pearson service running, and only post Pan-Am would there be any worry about picking up the pieces on two-way GO. The good news is that all indications are we dodged that.
There is still a lot of track work still to be done until the corridor is 100% complete. Don't expect to see this until June at the latest.

Both Bloor and Weston Station are still been worked on and haven't seen those station in over a month or so to see where thing are at for them. Bloor is behind schedule due to the subway mess last year.

Speed will be lost in the Torbram area due to the new grade separation that will not be completed until 2016.

I can't speak for the west end past Brampton, as I don't get up there that much in the first place.

Metrolinx is behind in a few areas, but some of them they have no control over. Weather being number 1 which has been a bitch over last year bitch so far. Can't build floors of tunnels with 6+ inches of solid ice in the way.

Lack of ballast has delay things some what and no idea where that stands at this time.

City of Toronto has delay a few spots by a month or 2 and Metrolinx did some catching up on them, but still late.

I can say for sure, 3 tracks will be in operation for the Pan Am games by May or earlier for the UPX, as track crews are working 7 days a week when the weather is not stopping them.

Union is another thread story.

Denison Rd Grade Separation has no impact on track work since its the sidewalks and road that still have to be finish. This is a year plus late due to the river and going down deeper than plan to deal with the water issue. Summer opening for traffic, but open to the public now.

The Pearson Station is almost completed and should be done March. Don't know what the track problem is by the crossover.

The one thing I noticed last week going by the guide-way at the end of America Dr, an escape tower with elevators has been built for it there.

One of the last thing to be done by April is to get all 3 tracks block signals working that are not connected at this time. This includes the guide-way.
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Actually, in their January 2015 newsletter they gave a better definition of what they mean by substantially complete:

The GTS Project is now nearly complete. Only a few final touches remain such as installing public art and securing our rail corridor with security fencing and noise walls where identified. We could not have completed all of this work without your patience and co-operation.
It seemed pretty clear to me that by "substantially complete" they meant that the whole corridor was now grade separated, with the three big multi-hundred-million-dollar megaprojects all now at a point where they were now being used by trains. Someone can correct me if I've fallen behind recent events, but I think all the new tracks and signals still aren't fully finished and fired up all the way to the airport, and those tracks aren't yet all served by finished station platforms. (There are also a couple things outstanding that are presumably irrelevant to launch timing, like cross-streets like Denison still being closed.)

Just spitballing here, but I would guess if you were proportionately weight out the various bits of GTS by contract value, the whole thing was then about 95% complete at Christmas. It just so happens the final 5% is kind of important to the actual running of new service.

Also, bear in mind that when they started 5 years ago there was a hard deadline of Pan-Am for UP set by the politicians, but nothing more precise committed than "2015" for more GO. Big transit projects that last 5+ years, whether in Toronto or anywhere else, don't exactly have a great track record of landing within 5% of their forecast completion date. If they had fallen badly behind schedule, I bet you would have seen all manner of scrambling to throw all the original construction plans out the window in order to get some kind of Pearson service running, and only post Pan-Am would there be any worry about picking up the pieces on two-way GO. The good news is that all indications are we dodged that.
In construction, 'substantially complete' has a very specific meaning, legally speaking. When someone tells me that a project is substantially complete, I take it to mean that the Work or a designated portion of the Work has reached a stage where the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for it's intended purpose. Contract value is not necessarily tied to substantial completion. For example, 1% of contract value could potentially prevent receiving a certificate of substantial performance, if that 1% prevents usability of the Work.
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^here is a direct quote (cut and paste) from their December construction update email

Now that the GTS Project is substantially complete, we will be adjusting our community service options to reflect the winding down of GTS Project work. As of January 5, 2015, our community relations team in each of our offices at Strachan, Weston and the West Toronto Diamond will be available by appointment only. However, you will still be able to reach us by phone or email at gts@gotransit.com, and Twitter at @GTS_Project. We are not going away, we are simply preparing for the next phase of projects to get people moving.

post 5066 above is a direct quote from their January community update
