They'll have to go non-stop to the border as the train will essentially be sterile US land.

Whole train or could you separate some of the cars out as still Canadian and have a customs agent do a quick walk-through at the border to confirm they're empty? A 10 minute sweep (they'll want to continue looking at the exterior and underneath) is a huge improvement over the current hour+ long process.
If GO Transit is operating it, expect to get stuck in the matter stream and not receive a refund...err, I meant credited.

Which reminds me, I need to get a refund for our UP tap ons at Weston from March break when we ended up Ubering to the airport because the wait time abruptly went from 4 minutes to 35 minutes. Thanks for the reminder.
seems a big map to display 3 open stores and 1 kiosk ;)
Maps have to start somewhere and it is quite useful for orientation. As it is on www rather than on a wall (I think) it is easy to update it as things progress. You know UTers would not approve of no map so let's welcome one, bare-bones though it is!
This is the cleanest map of Union I have seen to date. Kudos to the city.

I hope they have a map such as this when the station revitalization is completed. It would be useful with all the new stores and everything else going in. Does anyone have an update regarding the status of new restaurants and the like? I figured there would be more fast food as opposed to beverages by now. Uncle Tetsus, Starbucks and McCafe are not what I meant when I said fast food. By fast food I mean things like Mcdonalds, Chipotle, Fresh etc.
