The list of retailers coming soon to union has been updated here:

Union Chicken is already u/c:

When do we start just referring to it as it is.....a food court.
No mention of Cinnabon or Michel's Bakery, my two favourite stops in the old Bay Concourse. Disappointing but not giving up hope
I noticed today that they have started to re-lay the floor of the Great Hall at the east end: looking good so far and I assume they will keep moving west. They are also making (slow) progress on the VIA area at the bottom of the ramp - the ceiling gyproc installation and new flooring areas continue to expand. It WILL get done!
Apparently the Union Station twitter account indicated that the Union Station Market will be heavily modified this year due to construction. Any idea what they meant by that?
Apparently the Union Station twitter account indicated that the Union Station Market will be heavily modified this year due to construction. Any idea what they meant by that?
I would imagine they are referring to the outdoor market that has been going on Front st the past 2 summers. The area is probably needed for staging of construction materials.
Has there ever been any thoughts of making public the area east of The Great Hall? I believe it's part of Metrolinx's offices (or perhaps still under ScotiaBank control). It's just a bit of a shame you can't walk the entire station, including the Great Hall, from east to west. It would strike me as a spot for a restaurant or something. I think there's even a courtyard in there.
