The stairs between TTC and (former) GO Concourse (to become the Bay Concourse) were removed ages ago. The weather-proofing is to allow work (on the floor finish?) to continue.

Must be a perspective illusion; they appear to be still there.
The reason why the escalators were closed off in the first place was because of water damage and only 1 pair was able to operate
An elevator to the main level of the York Concourse is hiding at the north end of the food court, located next to the (full service) Tim Horton’s and opening above roughly between the Starbucks Express and Union Chicken.
It’s almost unmarked, from what I could see, but operational when I tried it on the weekend.
Took this earlier today from the stairs in the leather shop bypass. It looks clean and somewhat presentable in the Bay Concourse. Wishful thinking perhaps but it looks clean enough to create a temporary passage.

It's looking more and more likely pedestrian traffic through the leather shop bypass will soon be re-routed through the Bay Concourse.

I just passed through during lunch and they appeared to be polishing the floors of the middle section of the Bay Concourse. There also seems to be an initiative to clean up the middle path and move all construction material and equipment to the sides/corners.

To use Richard's photo....

Maybe I'm missing something but what's the "leather shop bypass? Is that referring to a specific store?

The existing pedestrian pathway that lead to the subway station and PATH are known as the leather shop bypass because that's where the little leather shop used to be before the Bay Concourse was closed.
