
Anyone notice this mural in the food court?
Any idea when they will open at least a pedestrian passage through the bay concourse? The crowding between the TTC and the leather bypass is getting crazy. This morning going into the TTC station was backed up all the way to the first set of stairs down from the leather bypass. It seems like many people don't want to use the alternate set of stairs that go down into the entrance of the bay concourse.
Any idea when they will open at least a pedestrian passage through the bay concourse? The crowding between the TTC and the leather bypass is getting crazy. This morning going into the TTC station was backed up all the way to the first set of stairs down from the leather bypass. It seems like many people don't want to use the alternate set of stairs that go down into the entrance of the bay concourse.
If you read back for a couple of pages you will see that there is some evidence that 'they' are trying to finish off part of the Bay concourse to create better access. When will it open? Your guess is probably just as good as those made by others, including me.
Any idea when they will open at least a pedestrian passage through the bay concourse? The crowding between the TTC and the leather bypass is getting crazy. This morning going into the TTC station was backed up all the way to the first set of stairs down from the leather bypass. It seems like many people don't want to use the alternate set of stairs that go down into the entrance of the bay concourse.

I'm enjoying the term "leather bypass". They should add a plaque.
I find the new PATH signage both beautiful and functional. Can't please everyone I guess.
I find some of Picasso's work intriguing, but when I need to take in a whizz in the worst of ways, I couldn't give a toss. Put an arrow showing where the washrooms are. Those melting clocks recurring in Picasso's work? That's what's about to run down my leg.

How difficult can it be to put up signs that show...wait for it, where stuff is? And for Gawdsakes Metrolinx...what the fug were you thinking hosting people from all over the world with the term "UP" on elevators, escalators and multi-level stations? Ask someone whose first language isn't English as to what it stands for...Maybe it's a bird, a plane, able to jump tall buildings in a single bound? Stupidman!

Perhaps hand out 'legend' cards for the Great Unwashed so they too can play the game: "Guess what the fug this means?" Maybe little 'translation stalks' beside the signs to explain in three hundred and one languages (including Bafflegab, both Upper and Lower) what the pictorials mean. If I were a foreign visitor, or a Martian for that matter, or just visiting from Moosonee, I could maybe guess half of what's indicated there, and half of that again as to which direction.

If I went to New York, London or Paris, and saw signs like that, I'd be truly pizzed off. Most Torontonians interviewed in the CityTV piece couldn't get them right. Onion Station, peel it and cry.
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I honestly think having more rows of graphics and words will be much better. In other words, I like hamburger style signs is better than hot dog style signs.
