Thinking this through backwards, I suspect it's all down to funding. Scenario: Metrolinx says to City: "We need better staircases, what's been provided by you are totally inadequate and dangerous, plus they present problems as to dwell time and throughput, let alone safety". City responds: "No money, you do it". Metrolinx responds: "No money, we won't do it either" and all reference to doing it is expunged.

Some retrospect that was more than prescient: (13 years ago in this forum!)

"Better staircases" probably mean that well, that's not gonna happen..
That seems rather pointless to me. Isn't the bottleneck the relatively narrow stairs - that could be wider or better located with wider platforms?

I guess with the merged platforms, you will have two staircases. That should help a bit but it still will be a band-aid solution. whats needed are wider staircases.
I guess with the merged platforms, you will have two staircases. That should help a bit but it still will be a band-aid solution. whats needed are wider staircases.
Well, the initial new platforms will have a new south concourse, so those should replace the existing narrow stairs. However, the other widened platforms above the York and Bay concourses won't likely have their stairs widened.
Just walked by Union Station and noticed they have (re) installed almost all of the LED lights in (or on) the west Front Moat. These were first installed about 18 months ago and tested out (they gave a very cool illumination of the facade) but were then removed as they seemed to be in the way. Now almost all are back again. Still no sign of them finishing the last small section of the cover of the East Front Moat so I suspect they are waiting until they can divert pedestrians via the Bay concourse and shut this section of the east moat completely..
Anyone know when the West Moat will be open? It looks like it's finally built up all the way through to the York St entrances with some minor construction still taking place.
I have to ask, because this is a painful subject here and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up: did you post this as an April Fool's joke?
...sorry :) I actually made myself a little sad, too.

Someone is finally working on the ceilings. The Ceiling inside the eastern exit from the great hall has been scraped and primed.

They have been working on it since Monday.
Yup, finally, and new glass work at the top of the stairwells leading up to the Great Hall.
...sorry :) I actually made myself a little sad, too.
April Fools only runs to noon. Anything posted after noon in that regard is just trolling.

