Noticed today that they have finally replaced the (clearly refurbished) external 'carriage lights' outside the EAST entrance on Front. I hope they will, sooner or later, put back the ones at the West side (Metrolinx entrance).

Who would've known that customer feedback is far more effective than using consultants for customer service type of initiatives.
% Arabica Coffee, which has some of the best designed coffee shops, is opening in Union Station Q1 2021. I am very excited now. Also, their coffee is excellent from my experience.

The lighting in here is beautiful. It really emphasizes how badly they screwed up the lighting in the VIA concourse. I still have hope that someone with influence will go down there and say: WTF guys? This is terrible. Start over!
Not really connected, but I'd also love to see the TTC go with 24-hour times (to match with Metrolinx). And also for Metrolinx to letter their GO lines for easier implementation and understanding on maps and in conversations. Letters go longer distances. Numbers are generally Toronto lines.
Just back from a short tour of Union and can report.

1. They STILL have not re-opened the eastern entrance from Front Street (Sir John A Plaza). It seems to be taking them a grat deal of time and when it re-opens they are supposed to start the western entrance.
2. They are making some progress on the granite flooring of the Bay St Moat - also not speedy!
3. They have shut-off the area below the ramp from the Great Hall to the Via concourse and seem to be working on opening up the new stairs (or ramp?) that goes from there to the lower levels.

I then got distracted by the Danish Pastry House and looked no more :->
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Just back from a short tour of Union and can report.

1. They STILL have not re-opened the eastern entrance from Front Street (Sir John A Plaza). It seems to be atking them a grat deal of time and when it re-opens they are supposed to start the western entrance.
2. They are making some progress on the granite flooring of the Bay St Moat - also not speedy!
3. They have shut-off the area below the ramp from the Great Hall to the Via concourse and seem to be working on opening up the new stairs (or ramp?) that goes from there to the lower levels.

I then got distracted by the Danish Pastry House and looked no more :->

Got a Snegl attack did you?

They are yummy!

So delectably flaky!

Will the stonework between the support columns for the new skylight structure be filled in? I'm referring to the area above the subway entrances. Right now it looks like there's just stucco there.
Didnt they say they will finish all construction by September 2020?

And now with the pandemic and less crowds at Union should have allowed them to finish work faster.

These guys are so slow.

I still remember in 2015 being given flyers by Metrolinks that Bay Concourse will reopen in 2017. Ha!
Didnt they say they will finish all construction by September 2020?

And now with the pandemic and less crowds at Union should have allowed them to finish work faster.

These guys are so slow.

I still remember in 2015 being given flyers by Metrolinks that Bay Concourse will reopen in 2017. Ha!
Last report said by end of 2020. Of course, other things like City work on Great Hall floor and lights and Metrolinx new south excavations will continue.
