First time on platform 13 in ages. Station looks impressive compared to what I was used too.
The Bay concourse is DEFINITELY opening tomorrow 'the Mayor is going to announce it on TV tonight", or so I was told. Workers were busily putting up more signage, cleaning glass etc this morning. It appears that the area below the VIA concourse is not opening as the floor there is clearly still covered with protective coverings and the (new) stairs under the ramp area are not yet tidied up.
It appears that the area below the VIA concourse is not opening as the floor there is clearly still covered with protective coverings and the (new) stairs under the ramp area are not yet tidied up.

I can see them having at least some connection between the two concourses that does not involve going up, down and back around.
I drove by on Bay on my way to work this morning and a quick glance over seemed to show the entrance off Bay still covered over - but I could be wrong on that!
CP24 is covering it and their camera appears to already be rolling before the official remarks begin. As of this posting the camera is in the Great Hall at what looks like the new entrance down into the Bay Concourse.

