I think all the plans shown above pre-date the decision to have the new CIBC Centre provide a 'station' (or at least some sort of 'area' in its basement - west side along Bay - and the move of the GO bus terminal to that site. Yes?

Even when published they barely qualified as concepts, not plans. It's non-relevant junk info now.
DSC said:
I think all the plans shown above pre-date the decision to have the new CIBC Centre provide a 'station' (or at least some sort of 'area' in its basement - west side along Bay - and the move of the GO bus terminal to that site. Yes?
Even when published they barely qualified as concepts, not plans. It's non-relevant junk info now.
I've dug extensively to find more detail on the new Union GO Bus Station layout, to no avail. I see mention of "much easier connections to the Gardiner" but no actual pictorials or schematics of the intended flow, let alone if it's on the upper floor(s) (a la New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal) or the ground floor.

And I've so far found no mention of considering looping the QQELRT in it...which seems incredibly remiss, it's so obvious a solution to all the Rube Goldberg schemes being promoted for the present streetcar loop in Union. Just leave the damn thing where it is with a few tweaks, and build a separate one for the east in a building piqued for the purpose and under construction at this time, so accommodation can still be easily included.

If anyone further info on this, please post and/or link.
DSC said:

I've dug extensively to find more detail on the new Union GO Bus Station layout, to no avail. I see mention of "much easier connections to the Gardiner" but no actual pictorials or schematics of the intended flow, let alone if it's on the upper floor(s) (a la New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal) or the ground floor.

And I've so far found no mention of considering looping the QQELRT in it...which seems incredibly remiss, it's so obvious a solution to all the Rube Goldberg schemes being promoted for the present streetcar loop in Union. Just leave the damn thing where it is with a few tweaks, and build a separate one for the east in a building piqued for the purpose and under construction at this time, so accommodation can still be easily included.

If anyone further info on this, please post and/or link.
Download Architectural Plans (Part 2 of 3)

The Parking Level P1 Plan shows the existing streetcar ROW and some extra space next to it. Also has plans for both levels of the bus terminal on Level 01 and Level 02.
^ The files are so large I'm having trouble navigating, will try with Adobe Reader later, just using a generic file reader now, I've downloaded the the link above, but what I've found navigating blindly is very valuable in itself:
P:\Projects\1356-00\Issues\161202-45 Bay SPA resubmission (FINAL)\AA\PDF - Sheet - A00 - COVER.pdf

Meantime, if you could take a screenshot of the sheet detailing what's being discussed, I'd be most appreciative. AdobeReader (Acroread) is glitchy on my OS, and recommended against due to glaring security issues.

That's a huge chunk of area that "Metrolink" (sic) (should be Metrolinx) own, and immediately answers my query, unless there's some complication not realized.
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^ The files are so large I'm having trouble navigating, will try with Adobe Reader later, just using a generic file reader now, I've downloaded the the link above, but what I've found navigating blindly is very valuable in itself:

P:\Projects\1356-00\Issues\161202-45 Bay SPA resubmission (FINAL)\AA\PDF - Sheet - A00 - COVER.pdf

Meantime, if you could take a screenshot of the sheet detailing what's being discussed, I'd be most appreciative. AdobeReader (Acroreader) is glitchy on my OS, and recommended against due to glaring security issues.

That's a huge chunk of area that "Metrolink" (sic) (should be Metrolinx) own, and immediately answers my query, unless there's some complication not realized.
Yeah, that tends to happen with large PDF files, specifically with detailed architectural drawings . If I take a screenshot it’ll lose a lot of the details and the text will be unreadable, so I’ll have to take multiple zoomed in pictures.
Yeah, that tends to happen with large PDF files, specifically with detailed architectural drawings . If I take a screenshot it’ll lose a lot of the details and the text will be unreadable, so I’ll have to take multiple zoomed in pictures.
Yeah...I did download Acroread last night ( a massive file in itself, it's old and buggy but still considered the best for this purpose), and have had an add-in video card given to me by an architect friend to handle massive files like this as well as 3D modelling, the time might have come to install it....fingers crossed...I'll start praticising swear words before-hand to be prepared.

I might wait a day or so to see if someone else posts the relevant pic. Again, many thanks for that, I'm astounded that none of the articles on the building have discussed the prime purpose of the land swap in detail with pics and/or schematics of at least the GO bus operation.
Yeah...I did download Acroread last night ( a massive file in itself, it's old and buggy but still considered the best for this purpose), and have had an add-in video card given to me by an architect friend to handle massive files like this as well as 3D modelling, the time might have come to install it....fingers crossed...I'll start praticising swear words before-hand to be prepared.

I might wait a day or so to see if someone else posts the relevant pic. Again, many thanks for that, I'm astounded that none of the articles on the building have discussed the prime purpose of the land swap in detail with pics and/or schematics of at least the GO bus operation.
So your main concern about the project is the lack of information on how GO buses (and inter regional buses) will operate from the new terminal?
So your main concern about the project is the lack of information on how GO buses (and inter regional buses) will operate from the new terminal?
That is a huge part, but subsidiary to that, if the QQELRT could be looped 'through' or 'in' the bus bay area(s)? I see allusion to there being two floors used for bus bay, but that's yet another detail of interest.

On the point of the LRT looping (including from Bay to Yonge as part of the 'loop' thus minimizing space needed in the building, and to allow change to stay on QQ from one leg to the other at Bay/QQ by going down steps) I was glancing at the now abandoned Bremner option, and wondering if that could do a 'run-through' both directions and in itself be a head-on continuation of the QQE LRT? The challenges for doing the Bremner Option are steep, however:
JUNE 18, 2008 BY STEVE
Waterfront LRT — Bremner Boulevard Option
At the June 18 TTC meeting, a report on the Supplementary Agenda recommends that the Commission approve the concept for the portion of the Waterfront West LRT between Union Station and Exhibition Place. The linked document is the full report including illustrations.
The preferred route from Union Station (which itself must be expanded to accommodate increased streetcar traffic from the eastern and western waterfront lines) runs:
  • south in the existing tunnel to the end of the railway viaduct,
  • west through a new tunnel under the Air Canada Centre Galleria, under an office building now under construction at York and Bremner, and under Bremner itself to emerge in a portal near Simcoe Street,
  • via Bremner to Bathurst where the street name changes to Fort York Boulevard,
  • via Fort York Blvd. to its crossing under the Gardiner Expressway,
  • via the land under the Gardiner and a former railway underpass under Strachan Avenue to merge with the existing Exhibition Loop trackage.
An alternative route via Fort York Blvd. all the way to Fleet and the existing Bathurst/Harbourfront route tracks is the less-desired alternative.
The report discusses the capacity problems at Bathurst/Fleet/Lake Shore where the long cycle times limit the number of transit movements per hour. This has been a long-standing problem at a supposedly transit-priority location.
Changing the route as described above is expected to shave considerable travel time off of the run from southern Etobicoke into Union Station. At this point, the WWLRT route west of Dufferin is still under study (as part of a south Parkdale overall review), but the TTC is looking at routing some service from 501 Queen and 504 King into Union via Dufferin Street and the new WWLRT.
The TTC will send this proposal to Metrolinx for inclusion in its grab-bag of regional transit schemes.

What I'm trying to find are options that are generally easy, opportune, affordable, and able to be done on a near time frame. What I see as being absurd is digging up the present western approach extant under Bay St and denying use for some three years to do it. At God only knows what price.

Leave it in-situ and untouched save for minor tweaks! And satiate the eastern approach separately while the opportunity is ripe. Even if only the track RoW is installed in the new GO Bus Terminal and approaches, it will save vast amounts of needless complexity and cost later.

So knowing what's 'in the basement' and where is the challenge with the drawings.
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That is a huge part, but subsidiary to that, if the QQELRT could be looped 'through' or 'in' the bus bay area(s)? I see allusion to there being two floors used for bus bay, but that's yet another detail of interest.

On the point of the LRT looping (including from Bay to Yonge as part of the 'loop' thus minimizing space needed in the building, and to allow change to stay on QQ from one leg to the other at Bay/QQ by going down steps) I was glancing at the now abandoned Bremner option, and wondering if that could do a 'run-through' both directions and in itself be a head-on continuation of the QQE LRT? The challenges for doing the Bremner Option are steep, however:

What I'm trying to find are options that are generally easy, opportune, affordable, and able to be done on a near time frame. What I see as being absurd is digging up the present western approach extant under Bay St and denying use for some three years to do it. At God only knows what price.

Leave it in-situ and untouched save for minor tweaks! And satiate the eastern approach separately while the opportunity is ripe. Even if only the track RoW is installed in the new GO Bus Terminal and approaches, it will save vast amounts of needless complexity and cost later.

So knowing what's 'in the basement' and where is the challenge with the drawings.
Why are you posting info from 2008 here - the world has changed in the last 11 years (and, yes, nothing has been built.). Discussion on the streetcar loop and waterfront transit options REALLY do not belong in this thread. MODS, Time to get us back to the topic (and reality.)
Why are you posting info from 2008 here - the world has changed in the last 11 years (and, yes, nothing has been built.).
Because that's the most recent reference I could find on it. Some of us are not as 'connected' as you allude to be.
Discussion on the streetcar loop and waterfront transit options REALLY do not belong in this thread. MODS, Time to get us back to the topic (and reality.)
Oddly, since it's part of the Union Station redevelopment, and many others have been posting on the Union streetcar loop, it seemed completely relevant.

Pardon my intrusion into your private fiefdom. Have a nice day. Btw: You yourself had mentioned 'the basement option' for the Union Loop. Perhaps you could link that string since you claim to have the gavel to direct operations in this one?
Re: Post: Failed Projects to Get Second Chance (Union Statio

It is extraordinarily important that this project is done right - it is THE hub of Toronto's transportation network. What Mel and Tannebaum had in mind doesn't do justice to either the building or the system it serves.

Just bumping this up as an example of what the first page of this string discusses.
The Union Station reno could stretch into 2020. Not surprising but it should have been done 5 years ago. Thoughts?

See here: http://www.iheartradio.ca/newstalk-...-renovation-could-stretch-into-2020-1.8986189

Heavy construction should finish at Union Station by end of 2019 or early 2020 and then Metrolinks takes over to fit it out. Given Metrolinks track record, it will take them a year to fit out the Bay Concourse so it should open by April 2021, six years after the York Concourse opened. The retail and food court will take an additional 2 years so we are looking at Spring/Summer 2023 when it's all finished.
Heavy construction should finish at Union Station by end of 2019 or early 2020 and then Metrolinks takes over to fit it out. Given Metrolinks track record, it will take them a year to fit out the Bay Concourse so it should open by April 2021, six years after the York Concourse opened. The retail and food court will take an additional 2 years so we are looking at Spring/Summer 2023 when it's all finished.
You may be right but are you pulling these dates from the air or are they based on actual plans/facts?
^^I can be critical of Metrolinx just as much as the next guy......but there is no foundation for that post at all.

Yes, Union station has been delayed....some of it (i would suggest) is understandable (in renovating any old building the saying goes "you don't know what you have until you get behind the walls") and some of it is, no doubt, the fault of Metrolinx and/or the city......

....but to use your first post on here to suggest they are now lying about Bay being ready for use in early 2020 and that it will actually be 2023 is, frankly, baffling.
