The Signs are the least of the worry. This construction needs to get done.

I am worried with the Mayor announcing that construction is complete no one is going to hold the contractors feet to the fire to getting the remaining construction done quickly.
Five years later, still inconsistent UP Express wayfinding.
I was testing the wayfinding by trying to have my daughter find the airport train. So many signs only say UP which is ridiculous. Thankfully there seems to be some realization that the picture of an airplane is an important detail. Still, none of these align to the wayfinding standards created by Metrolinx with an overly detailed airplane showing flaps, or a GO engine of a certain model and time.
All that got completed is the Bay Concourse and some paths leading into it.

Why is the estimated timeline for the South Concourse like 10 years, the Bay Concourse took about 6 years (turns out 3 times the initial estimate). I guess it includes the planning and approval processes.
No doubt explained by the fact that the 'complex' has many owners and operators who clearly do not communicate as much as would be desirable!

It boggles the mind that nobody has created a LLC to manage the station affairs in a coordinated fashion. Have the various organizations as the stakeholders/partners and run the station as a business enterprise.
It boggles the mind that nobody has created a LLC to manage the station affairs in a coordinated fashion. Have the various organizations as the stakeholders/partners and run the station as a business enterprise.
I think they ARE trying but the fact that construction is (despite the mayor's statement) NOT yet over can hardly help. The City has appointed an experienced Manager of the complex - patience!
It certainly looks 100% complete to me. I guess that's the new Toronto standard; as long as construction project is semi-functional and looks complete, then it should be considered complete. Dont worry about the boarded up areas, plastic wrapped mechanical stuff, and jackhammering.

Now that's a "world-class" standard!
Nope. It's not completed until we tear out all the new fixtures for further renovation. Give it another year or two 😁
I was testing the wayfinding by trying to have my daughter find the airport train. So many signs only say UP which is ridiculous. Thankfully there seems to be some realization that the picture of an airplane is an important detail. Still, none of these align to the wayfinding standards created by Metrolinx with an overly detailed airplane showing flaps, or a GO engine of a certain model and time.
Screenshot 2021-08-04 at 15.39.18.png

At least Pearson can design UP Express wayfinding! 🤣
At least Pearson can design UP Express wayfinding!
The airport in general follows a proper wayfinding standard. No stylized train symbols, no stylized airplane, no crazy font irregularities. They looked at international standards when they were building T1-New and put a priority on it. They had test passenger volunteers from the general public find their way around the terminal to confirm their success or drive changes. They made note of every passenger that got lost or was not able to complete their journey in a reasonable amount of time.
