Some shots from today.

Sephora hoarding is up. the QR code on the signage leads to a hiring page.


Some screens going up above the doors to the subway:



Shot of the ”isolated“ food vendors. Hopefully they’re not isolated for long. Looks like some good selections!

Putting "TTC Logo - Front St" above each and every single exit to the moat seems a tad excessive - and unless I am wrong, they are not visually centred right above the centreline of the exits either.

I could be mistaken but isn't union subway station's concourse level at the same elevation as the foodie route? Once that path opens up (union subway through to the stairs before the entrance to the old ford path) I can see people using it and seeing the stores.

Also the restaurants in the lower York concourse didn't really struggle pre covid.
I could be mistaken but isn't union subway station's concourse level at the same elevation as the foodie route? Once that path opens up (union subway through to the stairs before the entrance to the old ford path) I can see people using it and seeing the stores.

Also the restaurants in the lower York concourse didn't really struggle pre covid.
You're not mistaken. That route you described has been open for several days, and yes, it is the most efficient path between the subway and Scotiabank Arena. However, it's not super obvious at the moment, particularly if you're heading south from the subway to the arena. I don't know how many people will walk down as far as an obvious escalator bank pointing where they're going, but decide not to go up it and instead turn right and jog along a kind of unwelcoming hoarding-flanked walkway then turn turn left to get to a hidden, slightly better escalator. Better hope those smash burgers are sending an olfactory signal.


Looks like French sports retailer Decathlon is bringing their smaller-format "Decathlon City" concept to Union Station! Excited to see some of these services come to the downtown core:
We intend to include services like accepted returns from other locations, as well as seasonal services like skate sharpening, ski waxing, and eventually bike tune-ups.
Without reading 20 pages of posts........................I'm curious, does Union Revitalization actually have a completion date or has this become, more or less, an endless make -work project?
Without reading 20 pages of posts........................I'm curious, does Union Revitalization actually have a completion date or has this become, more or less, an endless make -work project?

The work within the original scope of the project; including outstanding retail to be added, and some additional heritage restoration work, primarily in the Great Hall, will be entirely complete by the end of 2022.

However, work is now underway to widen several platforms, and to widen access to/from same; as well as to extend a portion of the Union Station concourse to the south. That work won't likely wrap up til 2030'ish.

There is also the alteration to the streetcar loop which will also wrap later in this decade.
so essentially it will be in a state of under construction for 20-25 years.

As measured from when this project began, to when the last (currently approved/funded) project wraps, yes.

Though, most of these latter phases will be less disruptive.

Excepting the streetcar loop work which will see an extended closure.
The work within the original scope of the project; including outstanding retail to be added, and some additional heritage restoration work, primarily in the Great Hall, will be entirely complete by the end of 2022.

However, work is now underway to widen several platforms, and to widen access to/from same; as well as to extend a portion of the Union Station concourse to the south. That work won't likely wrap up til 2030'ish.

There is also the alteration to the streetcar loop which will also wrap later in this decade.
Let's not forget about GO RER (OnCorr) where we're going to see catenary poles having to be installed (when it's going to happen nobody knows yet).

Then there's the spectre of the platform heights which may or may not be adjusted to accommodate new trains.

Let's also not forget about the potential for UPX trains to completely shift platforms altogether.

Are we forgetting anything else?
Let's not forget about GO RER (OnCorr) where we're going to see catenary poles having to be installed (when it's going to happen nobody knows yet).

Then there's the spectre of the platform heights which may or may not be adjusted to accommodate new trains.

Let's also not forget about the potential for UPX trains to completely shift platforms altogether.

Are we forgetting anything else?
Let's not forget about GO RER (OnCorr) where we're going to see catenary poles having to be installed (when it's going to happen nobody knows yet).

Then there's the spectre of the platform heights which may or may not be adjusted to accommodate new trains.

Let's also not forget about the potential for UPX trains to completely shift platforms altogether.

Are we forgetting anything else?
-Green roof...
-Solar array on top of green roof.
-Charging stations and limited runway on top of green roof for battery powered, ultra-light, single passenger flying vehicles...
-HSR or Maglev station (possibly located beneath current station).
-Steinway piano for Great Hall (or hologram of piano, if actual pianos are no longer available)
-Replacement of old jersey barriers with new ones.
-Green roof...
-Solar array on top of green roof.
-Charging stations and limited runway on top of green roof for battery powered, ultra-light, single passenger flying vehicles...
-HSR or Maglev station (possibly located beneath current station).
-Steinway piano for Great Hall (or hologram of piano, if actual pianos are no longer available)
-Replacement of old jersey barriers with new ones.
The jersey barriers are heritage, I expect UTers to chain themselves to them to prevent their removal!
