Besides that, I saw a group of strange people yelling and hanging out near the carriageway entrance, just a little bit to the left of the photo I sent. I hope that area doesn’t become a bad area to walk through.
Besides that, I saw a group of strange people yelling and hanging out near the carriageway entrance, just a little bit to the left of the photo I sent. I hope that area doesn’t become a bad area to walk through.
The stench of urine and cigarette smoke is already starting to permeate inside the moat. So far, it's not looking pretty.
The stench of urine and cigarette smoke is already starting to permeate inside the moat. So far, it's not looking pretty.
There are quite a few security guards around and I saw someone cleaning it the other day sitting on one of those ride-on floor polishers.
The station has been like that ever since the pandemic. It improved slightly in Decemeber when it was busy and not with not as many restrictions but during this recent lockdown it has reverted back. The problem solves itself when there's plenty of eyes and ears moving in and out of the building, but when it's dead there simply isn't enough security to patrol every corner of the building.
Pretty sure someone was living in one of the toilet cubicles when I was in the station today. Piles of clothing on the floor sticking out of the stall. Plus two of the remaining 3 stalls were out of order for whatever reason. Not great.
Cue the stadium lighting. The signs are literally blinding.

It hurts my eyes to look at them.

The intensity of the signage these days reminds me of the Spinal Tap “these go to 11”. If I have to squint at all when looking directly at a sign, I will not look at all and that definitely defeats the purpose.
The intensity of the signage these days reminds me of the Spinal Tap “these go to 11”. If I have to squint at all when looking directly at a sign, I will not look at all and that definitely defeats the purpose.


It reminded me of the upgrades to the screen in Maple Leaf Square. When I left work it would light up Bremner Blvd to just past York Street.

I could read a newspaper from the brightness of that screen alone. No need for streetlights
