Yes, you're right. It is similarly shaped, but there are some different details.
I think I might even prefer the one Brad tweeled (though I'd think you need to adjust the line work a bit when you shrink it). it at least looks like a vehicle. The Presto one looks more like an old TV set, or a stove.

I'm hoping this is just something that the Metrolinx web provider dug up on their own, and nothing official.
That's sounds so good. I can eat there before a game or event at ACC. That food court would be completely packed every night there's a sports game though.
Though will it be closed by 6 pm like many downtown food courts? Sure, might be busier for a big game. But what about a typical evening?
Though will it be closed by 6 pm like many downtown food courts? Sure, might be busier for a big game. But what about a typical evening?
Probably later than 6pm, but earlier than Urban Eatery or other flafship food courts. I would bet it stays open till 7-8 on most evenings. It may ramp up to a late open time when all day services come on multiple GO lines, and all PATH connections are fully integrated to the retail level.
I hope the food market works out. I lived close to Grand Central in NY for a few years and went to the Grand Central market all the time. It was always packed and had excellent vendors. It would draw both on people who lived nearby and on commuters picking something up before catching a train. You would need a bit of a habit shift for that to work here, but if they were to mimic Grand Central and get, just as examples, stalls with Cumbraes, Diana's Seafood, Soma Chocolate, Nadege, all in one spot, then it could definitely work. If the vendors are more middle of the road I don't know that it will be worth it.
I hope the food market works out. I lived close to Grand Central in NY for a few years and went to the Grand Central market all the time. It was always packed and had excellent vendors. It would draw both on people who lived nearby and on commuters picking something up before catching a train. You would need a bit of a habit shift for that to work here, but if they were to mimic Grand Central and get, just as examples, stalls with Cumbraes, Diana's Seafood, Soma Chocolate, Nadege, all in one spot, then it could definitely work. If the vendors are more middle of the road I don't know that it will be worth it.

I really want this to succeed, but let's not forget we're talking about a location very much in the same catchment as St. Lawrence Market. While the take-home-veggies-to-905 segment is net new and wouldn't be being poached from St. Lawrence, there's a lot of overlap for the residential side. There's only so much artisanal mustard an L Tower resident can buy in a month, so I hope the business case is as strong as GCT.
So what happens after Pan Am to Cinnibon, Second Cup, Great Canadian Bagel and the DQ? Are those business owners all losing their restaurants and am I losing my favorites?
Though will it be closed by 6 pm like many downtown food courts? Sure, might be busier for a big game. But what about a typical evening?

That would suck. Surely there are people who stay at work until dinner or after dinner, then take the GO train home.
That would suck. Surely there are people who stay at work until dinner or after dinner, then take the GO train home.
Time will tell. Enough for all the locations in the food court? It will have to be easy and quick enough to access from enough residential and shopping to justify it. I'm not really seeing it ... even from Yonge/Front it seems a bit of a walk to the food court near York.















Alright, so I dropped by today and checked it out. Obviously, overall the new addition is quite nice. I mean, I'm grateful we have it. It was sorely needed. But I have some comments/questions/critiques

1. I'm sorry if I've missed this, but does anyone know if they're re-doing the Via waiting area and surrounding halls in the middle of the station, between the Bay and York concourses? I was walking through there today and it's pretty shabby, and it'd be disappointing if we get two nice concourses and then the Via waiting area is still stuck in 1978.

2. It seems a fair number of people were lost in the new concourse, and I don't completely blame them. I considering myself a bit of a way-finding master, and it tripped me up a few times as well.

3. Does anyone know yet if the payment machines at the ticket windows in the York concourse have tap function? Small detail, but crucial to speeding up transactions.

4. I'm really interested to see how they improve the area directly under the great hall. It's pretty clearly in transition right now, but it needs a complete re-do to be comparable to the new concourse.

Basically, my main concern after leaving is the uniformity of the station when all of this is done. I really hope it doesn't look like one of those house renos you see where the addition is new and nice, and the rest of the house is 25 years out of date.
