If it is unsafe, does that mean that a "Spanish solution" is only used in backwards, uncivilized countries that do not respect passenger safety/

Kinda. Many newer metro's either have platform doors (prevents access to track level) or are overhead based.

Even Line 1 in Barcelona, the first to have stations with triple platforms, has an overhead power supply (rigid rail like in the 509 tunnel, not catenary).

A Spanish solution with passenger accessible 3rd rails is a somewhat unusual situation in new metro line.
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I thought the moat level was going to be covered with some sort of glass structure ?
Kinda. Many newer metro's either have platform doors (prevents access to track level) or are overhead based.

Even Line 1 in Barcelona, the first to have stations with triple platforms, has an overhead power supply (rigid rail like in the 509 tunnel, not catenary).

A Spanish solution with passenger accessible 3rd rails is a somewhat unusual situation in new metro line.

I think if you do the math, it would be worth adding platform doors.

First of all, this assumes automatic train control is implemented (i.e. the Yonge line or future DRL).
If a Spanish solution can decrease dwell time by 15 seconds - that would be 10 to 15% more frequency, or (times 3 hours) about 4000 ppdph or 10k per day or (time 250 days) about 2.5M riders per year. Assume half are new riders, at $2.50 each, the translates to $3M per year. Those platform doors would pay for themselves pretty quick.

The two best option for the DRL interchange stations would be Spanish solution at key interchange stations, or, longer interchange stations compared to "typical" stations, with not all cars stopping at the "typical" stations.

On the existing network, space limitations govern and the above solutions may not be possible.

As for Union, the question probably is whether it is less expensive to move the 3rd rail or add platform doors.
He TTC has done the math, and that is why they stuck it on the capital budget. Now the politicians didn't do the math, and they are the ones who control the money.
No pics, but when I passed by earlier today it looked like they'd finished setting up all (or certainly most) of the formwork for the missing section of concourse level. If the weather remains as cold as its supposed to be over the next few days, they probably won't be pouring any concrete into it, though.
neat I didn't know they had been ripping up those wooden portions of the platform, I thought that it was just some sort of temporary thing to cover an area that was accessed months ago and isn't needed again.
More hoarding has been opened up/torn down at the east end of the new south platform. There's still tarp up so can't see much but it is open. Looks like estimates of a 2014 sometime in operation may actually come to fruition. Sorry I was in a bit of a hurry so no picture.
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