UrbanToronto got to tour Vü today in the capable hands of the site's foreman Surya, and one of the developers, Christene. The tour has resulted in many interesting photos, and an answer to the most enduring question about the building. So, let's get the question out of the way:

Q: The renders showed angled columns supporting the podium. What happened?

A: The angled columns were the intention of Hariri-Pontarini, the design architect. When the building went through the engineering process, the architect of record, Young Wright IBI, declared them to difficult and expensive.

So there you go, no big a surprise.

First, let's consider the name, with the silly umlaut. At least, I always thought it was silly, but that was before the tour today. One thing the marketers figured out correctly was that the views from here are absolutely exceptional, and you can't really just call a place View Condos, can you? Not and have too many people remember it. Anyway, all was quickly forgiven when I saw what people who bought facing Adelaide get to wake up to. This:


So, are we agreed? Angled columns or not, silly umlauts or not, the project has lots to recommend it, so sit back, and enjoy the Vü.

Let's return to ground level to start the tour. If you can't picture it all, here's Vü, model sized, looking from the southeast corner:


From the northeast, it looks like this from George Street:


As UrbanToronto has lots of street-side images of Vü earlier in the thread, let's move right into the courtyard, where finishing touches are still being made:


This walkway will extend from the corner of Adelaide and Jarvis through the centre of the site:


This area to the south of the walkway will be planted, while that large area up against the building will be a water feature.


UrbanToronto will be back to show you the completed landscaping, plus two pieces of art that will grace the terrestrial realm here.

Let's head inside now, to the South Lobby, a Cecconi Simone design.



Building amenities include a fitness centre and a party room:



The rec-room/billiards room was having its floor laid:


Vü has an extensive podium rooftop outdoor recreation area too. Looking down on it from above:


A pile of pictures on the rooftop, nine floors up:








The view's pretty good from nine floors up:


Let's drop a few floors, and get a look at a finished unit: (usually only found in the Real Estate subforum, we know...)





And finally, let's head for the penthouse level, and the Eva Gabor views:


Well, that will be a penthouse view soon, like these:




And if you don't want to focus on just Adelaide or Jarvis, there's this perspective:


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Thanks for the great pics. I've always liked the project and do so even more after seeing these images.

Question: Will the walkway through the courtyard be publicly accessible? I was told by a salesperson in the showroom years ago that it would be.
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Question: Will the walkway through the courtyard be publicly accessible? I was told by a salesperson in the showroom years ago that it would be.

Yes, it will be publicly accessible, have a major piece of art at each end, and pass by their large planter and water feature, so it should be quite cool!

I really like this building: the different facades on each side of the building all work to add variety to the structure (and diluting its bulk) while at the same time, playing off the forms in the immediate neighbourhood.

And thanks for the tour and pictures.
the different facades on each side of the building all work to add variety to the structure (and diluting its bulk) while at the same time, playing off the forms in the immediate neighbourhood.

I completely agree alklay ... Vü has turned out quite beautifully (inside and out), the views are amazing ... thank you for the photo tour I-42
^But doesn't change the fact Vu is still one of the ugliest condos to go up in the eastside during the past decade.

I can think of quite a few worse examples: The French Quarter, that thing at Queen and Jarvis, The Richmond (not sure if this is the right name, the one near Sherbourne and Richmond). The first few phases of the Distillery District condos (pre-aA) are way uglier too. Vu isn't inspiring or beautiful, but it's more of an okay space filler. Ugliest is definitely an overblown assessment.

Though, I've noted your definite anti-HP slant, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this judgment.
Also, the fit-and-finish seems to be exemplary here. Thanks for confirming that the walkway will be accessible to the public. This may be tricky though given the troubled population nearby.
Vu is right up there - with BSN and ROCP North - as one of the best Clewespotting locations in the city. Once Market Wharf is built, probably the best.
Thanks for the great pics. I've always liked the project and do so even more after seeing these images.

Question: Will the walkway through the courtyard be publicly accessible? I was told by a salesperson in the showroom years ago that it would be.

It's actually completed now. They just finished the walkway over the weekend and you can walk through now. They also removed the fence at the Adelaide/Jarvis intersection so you can walk right through now!
^But doesn't change the fact Vu is still one of the ugliest condos to go up in the eastside during the past decade.

really? i would have thought Space (on Richmond St E), the Richmond (@ Sherbourne by Tridel), King's Court (King @ Sherbourne), 330 Adelaide St. E, 100 Front Street E (@ Jarvis) come to mind as being worse.
