Spring Time

Two more nice VU pics courtesy of @SkyJacked793



I sure hope this is not triggering another round of VU and Brick Man bashing! I like them.
Brick Man statue : amusing at best

Vu I love.

Ditto about the Brickman and I wonder what "we" will think of it in 25 years.

Vu is good in parts but the entrance at the corner of Adelaide and Jarvis (behind the Brickman) is a rat-hole and a great disappointment. The original plan had a much grander and more welcoming walk-through. It leads to/from an equally unwelcoming courtyard. Overall, a "fail".
agree about the street-level on that corner.

that has to be one of the best rooftop patio views in the city, but where are the people enjoying it?
Thanks Udo!

