Anything can look good in a photograph, it's just a matter of getting a good photographer.

You've obviously never met my sister.

Is this an active proposal?
Anyone out there who can take an ariel shot of this site?
It looks as though the site is all empty from behind the rebuild facade of the three houses on the east side of Yonge Street right through to the derelict shops on Victoria Street.

You may be on to something. There are now 4 or 5 empty storefronts there just south of Dundas Square on the east side (I can't tell if the chicken place is also closed). Is something in store?
I'm sad that Top O' the Senator is gone. I saw some great jazz performances there.
new image

saw this on ssc by CanadianChoco:

Downtown TO needs a 5 mile restraining order from any more Diamond & Schmitt hack jobs.
^^ those large concrete expanses would be pretty good for some big ol billboards! no? kinda fits in with our "dundas" square idea...
That thing looks like some sort of massive war memorial. The stone should be inscribed with the names of all the victims of this design travesty - which is every Torontonian.
The primitive fear of unadorned space ( quick! put up some billboards! inscribe some names! ... ) strikes again.

Refreshing to see a tall building in that part of town that eschews the cheap-trick easy-sell curvy thing of the Eaton Centre office towers / Torch / Pantages - and plays off them so nicely.
I hear that this is the new "W" hotel. ;)

(it certainly has an deadening excess of blank precast, doesn't it. I like the form though.)
Adornment? I want less blank precast. Replace it with windows or balconies or something creative (lord forbid an architect should have to use creative imagination every so often).
Windows and balconies aren't inherently more "creative" than unadorned wall space. Plenty of creative solutions incorporate unadorned space that plays off the presence of windows and balconies.
Windows and balconies aren't inherently more "creative" than unadorned wall space.

There are certainly less blank and deadening in this context. And I never said that they were creative. I just said they were not blank precast.

Plenty of creative solutions incorporate unadorned space that plays off the presence of windows and balconies.

Maybe, but it does not look like it was done here effectively (if they even tried that).
