Once the project is approved and goes into the marketing phase I'm sure they will be splashed across the pages of the Condo Guide and Condo Life for all to see in a few months. Although plans may evolve as Daniels continues to work with the planning department and Adam Vaughan.

edit: to answer your question directly they would only currently likely be available from the builder, architect, planning consultants or the Toronto planning department.
Does anyone know where I can find out more information or staff reports for the Graziani & Corazza, Dundas & Victoria, 38 storeys prosposal/development?
It appears that no planning staff reports have yet been produced, the developer submitted OPA + rezoning application on May 1, 2008 for the lands municipally addressed as "19-21 Dundas Square, 252-258 Victoria Street" for a proposed development including "demolition of one and retention of two historically listed buildings and demolition of 2 storey comercial building. Proposal for - 35 storey mied use building commercial on floors 1-5, and residential above - 245 residential units, total GFA 23,320 sq.m."

City file #: 08 153950 STE 27 OZ
Planner: Michael Mizzi (manager)
If the developer wishes to construct residential, then they should pick another site. The city should not cave and allow residential on Y-D Square. Condos do NOT belong there in any form.
If the developer wishes to construct residential, then they should pick another site. The city should not cave and allow residential on Y-D Square. Condos do NOT belong there in any form.

Dundas square is reserved strictly for bad architecture plastered in ads
Dundas square is reserved strictly for bad architecture plastered in ads

It does seem that way, doesn't it? If I could replace that PenEquity monstrosity with a MLS-style condo edifice, I would do so in a flash -- 'appropriate use' or not.
Solaris thanks for the info...where can I get a copy of the City file #: 08 153950 STE 27 OZ? I search the City's site but nothing...
yep - that is very much like what I had suggested a long time ago. That nice 9 storey podium would fit the bill and scale perfectly for a mixed use / commerical component at street level and a couple of 50 - 60 storey condo towers perched on top looking in on the square, perfect!
luckycharms ... there is no staff reports yet on this item since the application was just submitted in May 2008, you can keep an eye out for a staff report that is probably going to show up in the September or October Toronto Community Council agenda which would give you the specifications of the proposals, elevations, and site plan

Otherwise you could always call up the planner and go into City Hall to physically review the paper file ~
I walked past the site today and there is a white application sign.

While they list 19-21 Dundas Square as part of the development (this is the HRN or whatever building, facing Yonge-Dundas Square), the application states that the building is being retained. What is being knocked down are the two buildings south on Victoria. One is a mildly interesting 8ish storey industrial brick building (which, while decent if cleaned up, is nothing special) and a 3 storey piece of junk.

The sign also confirmed that it is a 35 storey building with 5 stories of retail/commerical and 30 stories of residential. There goes my "W" rumour (hey, I tried).
