Mike in TO

On Sept 25 an appeal by First Urban Inc. against an O.P.A. and rezoning granted to Wellesley Residences Corp (Plazacorp) to permit a commercial-residential project at 46 Wellesley St. E. was dismissed.

Wellesley residences proposed a 28s, 227-unit condo with a four storey podium. First Urban owns the adjacent property at 40 Wellesly and argued that the propsed development of 46 Wellesley St would preclude appropriate development of its property - the primary concern was with the western side yard setback for the 47 Wellesley site.

First Urban has proposed a 44s tower on its site. It argued that the site is already constrained by the development on its eastern lot line at 22-24 Wellesely and that the proposed setback by Wellesley Residences would diminish the development potential of its property.

The board denied the appeal and approved the O.P.A.
Here is the decision document:


Note this on p. 11-12

The Board reiterates that First Urban’s proposal is not the subject of this hearing. Accordingly, the Board makes no findings in relation to the appropriateness of its applications, whether they conform to the applicable planning policies and whether they ought to be approved. Its applications will be the subject of a full and fair hearing and will be evaluated on their own merits. Nothing in this decision should be held to prejudice First Urban’s appeals relating to its applications.

Here is the Preliminary Report from the City on 40 Wellesley:


The project is current in the approvals pipeline.

I'm all for intensification, but I don't know if Wellesley can handle that much development. I wonder if the city could at least stipulate that all three buildings must share a common garage entrance. It's not like it would take much for them to bust out the wall between 22 and 40 Wellesley in a few places to allow cars to pass through, and then a similar arrangement could be made between 40 and 46 Wellesley. If they don't do something that sidewalk will be pretty uninviting, with three big overhead garage doors plus the bus terminal at Wellesley.
^ Good points.
I'm all for intensification as well, but it baffles me a bit that they want to put two 20-something and a 40-some-odd tower on these sites right next to each other. The subway, I suppose can be floated as a reason, but there are so many other places in town that could use this kind of buildup, and Wellesley here is often congested as it is. I hope these buildings together don't completely overwhelm this side-street.
All this development is going to totally change the look of Wellesley!
Yes, but totally for the better! Give the residents of this terrific urban village something to be proud of!

I'm a landlord in the immediate area and I for welcome the intensification of this formerly delapitated area. Behind my property lurk junkies and street people. By gentrifying this prime area I hope to see an end to this kind of urban decay.
the city approved the 28 storey 46 wellesley in which the NIMBYs planning the 40+ storey tower at 40 wellesley opposes (or is it opposed as they have dropped their appeal)
I wonder if the city could at least stipulate that all three buildings must share a common garage entrance. It's not like it would take much for them to bust out the wall between 22 and 40 Wellesley in a few places to allow cars to pass through

Interesting idea.

Bellaggio, on the tight piece of land on Bloor overlooking Mt. Pleasant, negotiated a hole in the wall to Rosedale Glen (condos) right next door. It would have allowed Rosedale Glen residents to exit onto Mt. Pleasant southbound if they'd wanted, instead of being limited to exiting onto Bloor, eastbound only (as they are now).

The connection between the two garages was completed, but somewhere along the way relations between the two condos soured. The connection has never been opened for use.
Something like this is currently taking place at the under-construction Rezen condo. The parking entrance to Mozo runs right through the Rezen hole. Check Big October 2006 Update pics 26-2 and 26-3 to see the Mozo parking entrance today (26-2) and where it was a few months back (26-3). Pretty cool.

I would love to see the TTC redevelop Wellesley Station - perhaps allow a developer to build either an office or condo tower (or a combination of both) on top of the station... and make the developer also clean up the station in the process. The current parking garage is horrible!
Actually, I'd suggest restoring the station *itself*, since it's still intact beneath the garage--and maybe as the first original Yonge Liner to be "re-Vitrolited", so to speak. (Hey, the Church/Wellesley style phags would be game to that...)
