I've always found the parking garage rather unattractive and a poor use of space. The station is heritage designated, though. Does that include the garage? I'm looking at you for this, adma.
The garage all but certainly wouldn't be included in the terms of listing/designation; or at most, it would be for "planning guideline" purposes (cf. some of those nondescript Gerrard addresses relative to the Cabbagetown HCD). Keep in mind that the garage postdates the station by at least a decade or more, and relates entirely to the apartment tower to the north--it may be a "poor use of space", but it's a clever (albeit unsightly) use of air rights, and at least it leaves the station proper alone.

All in all, I'll let you know that *nobody* out there (except maybe some disenfranchised auto-dependent apartment dwellers) would be sad to see the garage go, heritage buffs and preservation staff included. So, don't panic...
Thanks for the information. I agree that it's a better use of air rights than many of the other TTC stations. Does anybody know whether the apartment owns the garage or leases it from the TTC?

Adma, why was Wellesley listed as opposed to other stations on the original Yonge line? Is it just its current state of preservation?
Well, Wellesley, Rosedale, Summerhill, and maybe one or two others for--at least at the time of listing--their design integrity. (Unfortunately, the TTC took liberties with said "integrity"--tiles, etc--don't know whether the same would be allowed today.) In Wellesley's case, I believe they factored in the above-ground transit loop structure, concave canopy and all, as part of the grounds for listing relative to other, more strictly "underground", stations. (Likewise w/Rosedale.) So the fact that it's basically "all there" under the garage, retiling notwithstanding, plays a part.

I'd imagine the garage belongs to the apt building, but the air rights, so to speak, are leased from the TTC...
Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but has there been no news on either the 40 or 46 (50) Wellesley projects by First Urban and PlazaCorp?
I certainly hope (but doubt) that any section 37 clauses involve funds to redevelop Wellesley Station. That is one site that should involve selling air rights (if it is pysically possible to build over the station).
What's happening to the white office/medical building at the left of this picture (Next to 22 Wellesley)? Is it soon to be redeveloped?

I believe 40 Wellesley E. has height and design issues. Below is an old rendering FYI -

I think if they did wrap around balconies, this egg-shaped building could be pretty cool - in a Marina Towers (Chicago) kind of way.
hey MODs... just a thought, perhaps it may be appropriate to break up 40 & 46 Wellesley Street East as two threads ... seeing they are both owned and are proposed to be developed separately ...

plus there is an existing 46 Wellesley Street East thread

40 Wellesley St E, owned by Lormel Homes (2060580 Ontario Inc)
Proposed 29 storeys residential condominium
City Planning Report (refusal): http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2008/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-14139.pdf

46 Wellesley St E, owned by Plazacorp Investments
Proposed 28 storeys residential condominium
City Planning Report (approval): http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2005/agendas/committees/te/te050705/it002.pdf

22, 40, 46 Wellesley Street East in context~

Okay - the posts have been separated in a delicate operation that lasted several hours. Bleeding was profuse, but has been staunched. In some cases posts were about the street as a whole, but conversations were kept together.

From now on, this thread is for 40 Wellesley St E only.

thanks again for performing the intense operation I-42 :)
Okay, have I got a treat for you all! Doing a little digging, I seem to have stumbled into a previously uncharted architect's website, and found the following artifacts concerning First Urban's original 44 storey plan for this site. The architect is a Dutch ex-pat working in TO now named Hendrik op t' Root. First a couple of renders for you:



or, if the photos are not showing up, click this link to see the first of them on Flickr, then use the thumbnail to see the other.

And then, follow that up with this video shot from a cyber coaster (warning: have gravol handy).

Meanwhile, I wonder what's up with the second refused KPMB version...

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