Until it gets inevitably deferred.

This place better come with a solid weight room.

Don't you work downtown and live in Holyday's ward?

Why would you be stopping here for a workout? LOL
New renders and site plans just dropped! There's a public meeting coming up for this on July 5 at 6:30 and an online survey to fill out: https://www.toronto.ca/city-governm...new-parks-facilities/wabash-community-centre/

Lots more images on the project page, including a bunch of interior renders. Pulling some highlights out into the thread.

Looks lovely. I believe funding was allocated for construction start in 2024 (correct me if I'm wrong). Now if only we could get the pedestrian/cycling bridge over the tracks to connect with the Railpath extension...
Something I hadn't considered until now - with this "flagship" type of community centre being built in Brockton, I hope that doesn't render Mary McCormick CC a few blocks to the east redundant...
I was looking at some of the different maps/illustrations of where related projects are going in and around the new community centre, and I thought I'd try overlaying some of them to get a better sense of it all.

So I started with these


And overlayed them as best I could:


Here's a tighter crop of just the park, to make it easier to see what's moving what else around:


It actually all displaced a lot less usable parkland than I'd thought.
Hurry up, already!! A gazillion times more space for having those guerilla drum & bass parties is waiting on this for when it's all said and completed! <3
From Perks' blog:

Wabash Community Recreation Centre Public Art Consultations

Posted by Lanze Kishong on May 2, 2024


The City is working on finalizing the detailed design for a new community recreation centre at Sorauren Park. I am thrilled by the progress on this project over the last year.

The preferred design was presented to the local community for a final round of feedback and revisions in 2023. The new facility will include an indoor pool, a gymnasium, and flexible multi-purpose program space. The surrounding landscape will include Indigenous placekeeping elements, a new community plaza, and a new off-leash area. Tendering for a construction team is anticipated in 2024, with construction expected from 2024 – 2027. You can learn more about the Wabash Community Recreation Centre project here.

This project includes an opportunity to install new public artworks inside the new community recreation centre. In February 2024, a specially convened Selection Panel composed of arts professionals and community members met to evaluate artist submissions. The panel determined a shortlist of five artists/teams to proceed to the second stage of the competition.

I wanted to share a friendly reminder that the City is currently welcoming community input on these five proposals.

Join the in-person Park Pop-up at Sorauren Park on May 11 and May 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or take the online survey to provide feedback on the five shortlisted proposals for the public artwork in the community recreation centre. The survey closes on May 13, 2024.

I look forward to seeing the winning proposal awarded by the Selection Panel, informed by the community’s input.


