Can we like get the emails of people that are behind this and spam them the hell out of this city?
Can we like get the emails of people that are behind this and spam them the hell out of this city?

Honestly you might be better off emailing Waterfront Toronto directly instead of the DRP - they haven't been supportive of this proposal so far.

Can we like get the emails of people that are behind this and spam them the hell out of this city?

Yes - that seems entirely reasonable :rolleyes:
I am very, very unhappy to see this. We do not need this piece of crap across from Sugar Beach! We need to make our opinions known, loud and clear, to whoever is listening.
Could it at least be a different colour glazing? The hill mound currently in its place is nicer. It seems like all these designs really seek to maximize footage and strangle the entrance to sugar beach.
"Innovation" has become nothing more than a corporate buzz-word these days, usually meant to describe someone's new app or web-based service. Perhaps this drek is a perfect representation of that: the emperor has no clothes.
I think the corporate, developer, government, design industrial complex in the city embraces LEED platinum or Diamond or whatever as their avenue for innovation and creativity over the kind of sculptural or poetic expressions that people on this forum desire.

I don't necessarily think they are wrong either, although I agree that we could use some more colour and sculptural forum in this city.

Personally I don't hate these kind of mid-rise buildings, not even in suburban industrial parks. The buildings I truly dislike are our residential condo buildings. I basically ignore most of the threads dealing with high-rise condos on this forum now.
Wow. This proposal is such a potential eyesore that it has actually brought me out of lurking and provoked me to create an account (I never thought I'd see the day). I can't put up with this bullshit, ESPECIALLY considering it would be built on our city's waterfront.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep until the DRP votes for a complete redesign.
Call me crazy, but I think we ought to aspire to better than "beyond boring", especially in an area that's supposed to be "fostering innovation" and whatnot.

Of course. However , forced innovation on a budget leads to the previous plan of a Ryerson Student Centre knockoff attached to a massive glass slab. Maybe better than this but, not likely to age gracefully either.

Fostering innovation through the design of buildings or the companies that occupy them. Ideally, you want both but, that's very seldom except for a select few markets.
I think some are going too far in suggesting the latest iteration is an 'eyesore'.

What it is, is disappointing, a step backwards, and overtly lacking in creativity.

Eyesore is a step worse that I don't think this proposal quite reaches.......though it may be trying.

I do, however, object to the step backwards, and to what does indeed appear to be 'bait and switch'

No real excuse for that.
