I am not sure if that's a compliment or a dig.

(extremely Cosmo Kramer voice) Oh, it's a dig

Blandly technocratic, lacking any grand vision but marginally competent enough that people will tell themselves it's fine because it could have been so much worse, etc.
I've given the new render my thoughtful attention.

I think it would make an excellent addition.............

To downtown Markham!

It's improved some, it really isn't THAT ugly.........but it is exceedingly bland.
I think I actually prefer the previous rendering - at least it looked a little unique in that it seemed each side was an entire glass wall, whereas each side is now broken up by frames. I also really dislike how it still cuts off the access point to Sugar Beach. A part of me kept hoping they'd surprise and do a really unique - maybe even "innovative" - design (I still dream about that one design that looked like something ripped through the building...).

That's not to say this is all bad. I DO really like that "The Nexus" area is confirmed to be public space. That'll be a cool cafe/lounge area. I also agree with adding more retail, but that should've been in there from the beginning - this isn't rocket surgery. And as simplistic as it might be to add pink umbrellas and call it "integration", I actually think it is a good move and looks good. If they do large sidewalks with trees then the streetscape will be nice too.





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<snip>I also really dislike how it still cuts off the access point to Sugar Beach.
<snip>If they do large sidewalks with trees then the streetscape will be nice too.
They need to get moving on extending the walkway into the northeast corner of the slip to widen the walkway…

but I'm not against a bit of a gate—or funnel effect, if you will—between Sugar Beach and Queens Quay in principle: successful squares the world over often have small apertures to the rest of the city that give some intimacy to the open space, and which can even help to seemingly magnify the open space n comparison, despite the compression in one spot.

In any case, while the sidewalk will be physically pinched until such time as there's a widening over the slip, this won't look overly closed off as the slip isn't a wall, it's an open length of water, and Sugar Beach will be as easily seen from Queens Quay and Jarvis as its always been.

At this rate, Queen's Quay East is going to look like a complete joke. The only saving grace we have so far are the sidewalks, the mini beaches, Daniels Art project, and Aqualuna*. Or maybe Google (who everyone seems to fear like the plague) will come up with something that blows everything else out of the water.

As for this project, I've given up on it. This 2nd iteration looks sharper than the 1st, but that's really not saying much since the 1st one we got was absolute garbage.

Edit: *Added Aqualuna to the mix
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Now they're just being mean. Do they not realize people (and tourists) will have to look at this thing?
At this rate, Queen's Quay East is going to look like a complete joke. The only saving grace we have so far are the sidewalks, the mini beaches, Daniels Art project, and Aqualuna*. Or maybe Google (who everyone seems to fear like the plague) will come up with something that blows everything else out of the water.

The Arbour next door is also great. Will completely overshadow this office park building.
