Floorplans already? I thought the earlier renderings we saw were of a placeholder design, never knew that it was that finalized.
That aerial rendering looked to me like a placeholder as well, but the design in it was presented as a fait-accompli at the last public consultation, and we reported that in the subsequent front page story on the project (several months ago now).

when this land was sold at that time I read somewhere that there will be two condo buildings. but now im not sure whether there will be or not.
So they are going ahead with the 54s taller tower with no height change:confused: and eliminated the shorter tower?
I would have expected them to add an extra 10-15 storeys on the single tower proposal?
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So they are going ahead with the 54s taller tower with no height change:confused: and eliminated the shorter tower?
I would have expected them to add an extra 10-15 storeys on the single tower proposal?

If it sells (it will) they could add another 5 or 10 floors which wouldn't be unreasonable. Given thousands of residents who walk this stretch to get to Wellesley station I think it's a lost opportunity not to have some retail or restaurant spaces along Wellesley St., but I guess the flip side is more green space.
I wonder if the parking will extend under the park? I mean if they are going to the effort to build a park, I don't see why they wouldn't build additional residential or public parking in the space underneath the park.
then what is the purpose of the podium?

It's not much of a podium in terms of space. Make no mistake, I'm not knocking the design of the podium or building (nor the one tower option) I just think an extension along Wellesley St with some retail, or restaurants (perhaps second floor offices) would have made good planning sense along here and still left a great space for the green area south of the project.
It seems that every tall building in this city requires a podium to disguise the height of the building to height-averse passersby, heaven forbid the full height of a building reach a sidewalk.

Helps as wind protection. Stops strong wind coming down the building from hitting the street.
