I thought you guys might be interested in seeing more than the three pics of the event today that were included in today's front page story, and when I started going through them, I thought that along with seeing some pics that fill in some of the atmosphere, that it would also be fun for you to see some of the rejected speech pics, with an explanation of why. Some of these aren't particularly flattering of John Tory in particular, but know though that everything below is presented with sympathy for him and others who are constantly being photographed, and I'll admit that I'm rather self conscious myself, like many of us are, about how I am caught on camera.
So, to start off, these pics are from the time that everyone was meeting each other in advance.
Below; Peter Clewes of aA, Gabriel Leung of Concord Adex, Galen Weston of Loblaw, and a couple of other guys I don't know talk. Terry Hui of Concord Adex is in another conversation to the right.
Those are the backs of W. Galen Weston and Galen Weston to the camera, with l-r behind them Tony Grossi of Wittington Properties, Mayor Tory, Councillor Cressy, and John Morrison of Choice Properties REIT.
Tony Grossi, President of Wittington Properties acted as MC. Wittington is Loblaw's development arm.
John Morrison, President of Choice Properties REIT, speaking. Choice owns Loblaw lands.
So it's really tough to get a shot of Tory speaking without him looking angry, which of course is not what he sounds like at all. He doesn't naturally smile when he talks, so as any photographer trying to capture people when they're speaking onstage, you shoot and you shoot and you shoot. I took, as it turned out, exactly 40 shots of Tory, and could only find two where he looks more like he's making a point than actually being angry, and in one case, he was finished speaking.
So here Tory is looking angry, (so we can't use this on the front page), but he isn't angry at all of course, he's actually starting a joke:
Thirteen seconds later, Tory's looking more relaxed, but the joke is landing and Cressy is hiding his face, either hiding a smile or fixing his hair (so we can't use this).
And seven seconds later, Tory is looking angry again, but the others are cracking up a bit. Can't use this one.
Finally, one that, even though it's a bit squinty, we can use (and we did). Thankfully, everyone else is paying rapt attention:
So here's one of Tory looking pensive after thanking the Westons for their philanthropy in the city, so not bad of him, but the others are a mish-mash.
Post Tory, Joe Cressy spoke, and he on the other hand always has a bit of a smile on his face all the way through his speaking. Like here…
and here…
and in fact I took about 20 pics of Cressy and could have used any of them. We didn't include those in the story though, neither the pics of Terry Hui. The Westons, father and son, did not speak.
Here's a bigger version of the 'First Brick' shot that we used in the story.
Here's the group getting ready to unveil the banner…
And here it is unveiled:
…and that's the 15 pics that the current version of our software will allow you to load into one post.