It's not that you made them look good in those shots @G.L.17, but somehow you made them not look terrible! Impressive!


Just had to scroll up to re-look at the pics, and you are right. They do look decent there. The green tint seems to be gone in full daylight.

It's too bad the balcony glass wasn't white instead of clear. It's going to look even messier once people start outfitting their spaces.
Honestly, these turned out better than I expected. The mint green panels look white to me from most angles I've seen them from (typically King/Bathurst area) and they provide a pallet contrast to all the grey in the area.

Edit - just reading back now, looks like I have some agreement from other members :)
If these turned out "better than you expected", I am going to go right ahead and say your expectations are terribly, terribly low. As long as people sustain this level of commentary and have standards this low, we definitely can't expect any better from purchasers and ultimately will continue getting more of this crap. And don't kid yourself, that's what these two towers are: crap.
If these turned out "better than you expected", I am going to go right ahead and say your expectations are terribly, terribly low. As long as people sustain this level of commentary and have standards this low, we definitely can't expect any better from purchasers and ultimately will continue getting more of this crap. And don't kid yourself, that's what these two towers are: crap.

I agree. This is absolute crap.

My god, those last two photos make this POS look even worse than it looks in person. Ahhhhhhhh
The commercial building should be perfectly fine when finished.

