Under normal circumstance, i'd say there should be a Freedom of Information request launched to get to the bottom and investigate who this Con government is doing side table deals with. But the government would probably just redact 75% of the evidence in this case to cap off their polished corruption scheme.
Under normal circumstance, i'd say there should be a Freedom of Information request launched to get to the bottom and investigate who this Con government is doing side table deals with. But the government would probably just redact 75% of the evidence in this case to cap off their polished corruption scheme.
I put in a FOI request in November. I’ll see what they come back with soon. Might be too late to save the buildings but not too late to expose the corruption.
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I’ve put in a FOI request in November. I’ll see what they come back with soon. Might be too late to save the buildings but not too late to expose the corruption.
Nice work, glad to hear of this. Please report back as soon as you hear back, there may be a chance heavy redactions wont be in place with your request if they started processing your request before the increased media attention.
So is the building still there? Looks like they paused after a little bit, but I can see no updates on twitter etc.
So is the building still there? Looks like they paused after a little bit, but I can see no updates on twitter etc.
Yeah, they just took a chunk of one wall down. Residents are planning to check in daily at 6:30am so expect more tweeting around then.
Yeah, again, this isn't a raw "Toronto's losing its heritage" issue per se; because one *could* whatabout this by raising, say, the past destruction of the "more important" Massey-Harris and Inglis complexes as precedent. Rather, it's about a blithe, wilful violation of a procedure and mechanism of retention that was already in place.

And of course, the ministry spokesperson speaking of the site being neglected since the 80s is a crock of bleep, because if it were *that* neglected, it wouldn't have been "utilized", with preliminary procedures, for the Pan Ams. By that measure, anything from Wychwood Barns to the Symes Road Destructor would no longer be with us, because DoFo-type leadership would step in with the bulldozers pronto once it was clear that a special interest group of hysterical preservationists and NIMBY neighbourhood nervous nellies were holding these "eyesores" hostage. So, cut the red tape and induce a clean slate; that'll shut'em up--after all, Massey-Harris is long gone, and nobody's boo-hooing but the usual "Toronto's losing all its heritage" whiners, you have a harrumph-harrumph "vibrant neighbourhood" of housing here and in Liberty Village to the south, etc. And likely ditto for Hearn, Canada Malting, etc if demolishing them weren't so "involved" an affair. (And of course, they *tried* the same with Ontario Place--in the end, they sorta-relented there, but they could argue that these warehouses "aren't as important" so they have more carte blanche here)
Apparently the Friends are trying to get an injunction.

BTW on associated heritage news, the meeting on the First Parliament site's Master Plan that was scheduled for Thursday is cancelled because Metrolinx has just announced they are going to expropriate the site. A real heritage trifecta!
lots of media attention and news choppers early this morning, police were back on site too along with a handful of community members and curious onlookers. The diggers roll on...
Honestly what kind of leadership does this in a middle of a crisis. As if we don't have other things we need to pay attention to. All this province knows how to do is to pick fights with people and be negligent.
This is exactly the kind of opportunism I'd come to expect from this government - using the pandemic as a cover.

Unsurprising to see a complete lack of care and attention shown in the demolition too - I found it fascinating to watch a building opposite my work being carefully deconstructed a few years ago. Top down, breaking things apart for reuse (the original London Stock bricks are now pretty valuable!) and recycling.

The complete opposite of attacking a heritage building with a claw.
