Does anybody have details regarding the two towers that will be going north of WHC1 and 2? Would be interested in the height of these towers, I believe they are going to be WHC3 and 4.

Does anybody have details regarding the two towers that will be going north of WHC1 and 2? Would be interested in the height of these towers, I believe they are going to be WHC3 and 4.


Reason I brought this up was according to this pic (taken from another thread) :


It shows two towers in front of WHC1 and WHC2
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The map they include with their package also shows those towers; that's why we asked about them :). Long-range plans ... sometimes come to fruition, sometimes not.
Another interesting thing i noticed (specific to phase 2) is that 1 + den suites are more expensive than 2 bedroom soho suites. The 2 bed soho are also larger in size but cheaper in price.

Any idea why this would be the case?
2 Towers in "front" of Phase 1 and 2??

Gooner I think you mean it shows 2 towers BEHIND Phase 1 and 2.

(It shows two towers in front of WHC1 and WHC2)
I think this image paints a really good picture of the future Fort York Neighbourhood ~ :)

Thanks Solaris. It does indeed paint a good picture. What I was alluding to when talking about the buildings North of WHC1 / WHC2 was that in the model the designs are already there (type of building / height) etc.

These must have come from somewhere and wanted to know if those were the builders actual plans for the area!
Does anybody have details regarding the two towers that will be going north of WHC1 and 2? Would be interested in the height of these towers, I believe they are going to be WHC3 and 4.


Refer to post 499 in this thread for building heights in this neighbourhood
Gosh I don't know all the technical terms, but definitely the frieze panels. The deco influences. The pointy cap pieces along the roofline edges. Something about the window of WHC reminds me of the windows in the turrets of Tip Top too. And the colour of the cladding material is similar to Tip Top.
Ahh, I can see it now. Good eye, scrappyTO.

Hello all,

I'm a buyer with phase 1 and had a question that I'm not to sure how. Do we acrue interest on the downpayment for the unit we purchased? The builder has had a chunk of change for at least 3 years now and I'm wondering if that grows a bit or do we get nothing?

Thank you,

