WHC Phase 1
I guess after seeing all these pics of WHC, is it safe to assume that the lower levels will be moving in November 30, 2009, without further delays? It looks to be on a good pace, and unless something unforseen comes up (*knock on wood*), we should be ready to go, right?
A couple of questions, if somebody can help out.
1. Could I refuse to move in until November 30 if the building was finished before the new revised finish date? For example, if they finish ahead of the revised time and they came to me and said we want you to move in in Oct, could I say No, I'm waiting until November?
2. Any ideas of how the value of this property stands in today's current market? I don't want to be in the building too long after I move in, as my plans have changed and I will likely sell shortly after moving in.
Thank you,