The digging continues:
Looks like the demolition phase was completed yesterday. All concrete, steel, etc removed and all heavy equipment is now gone.
Just the other day…


Still no sign of anything happening on site. The only recent activity in the area was City contractors recently doing pavement repairs along Bloor. They left the "dip" in the sidewalk although I understand parking access is from the east side (Indian Road) in the new building.
Tomorrow, 10th June, is the last day to register as a participant at the TLAB hearing (one day) for this development scheduled for 17th August. Relevant file numbers are:

Committee of Adjustment File
Number(s): 21 240336 STE 04 MV (A1411/21TEY)
TLAB Case File Number(s): 22 125270 S45 04 TLAB
No new renderings is updated in the database! The only changes in the project information is the total unit count increased from 171 units to 174 units. Finally, the total parking space count increased from 98 to 101 parking spaces.
Just a note to record that TLAB approved this building earlier in October, and that we've got a front page story up here. Grab the very last document in the list of 73 provided here, if you'd like to gape at the asinine complaints from locals as to why it should not have been approved (although they are nothing new, really).

Just a note to record that TLAB approved this building earlier in October, and that we've got a front page story up here. Grab the very last document in the list of 73 provided here, if you'd like to gape at the asinine complaints from locals as to why it should not have been approved (although they are nothing new, really).
Asinine is right! Self serving is another term that could be applied to most of these objections. As I know some of the objectors, I find it somewhat disingenuous that they live in very large detached properties with plenty of off-street parking, garages etc and still object to street parking issues - as if they will ever be impacted.

But, more seriously, I know again that some of these people have been briefed on how to make an objection and how the CoA process works, yet, no of them appear to have taken that on board when writing their letters of objection.

Classic NIMBY'ism.
Work has commenced on this project in the last few days. The main entrance during the construction is going to be off Bloor Street. While the sidewalks are still open, they are going to be closed off when things get going. Not certain but I guess this means that the bicycle lane on Bloor Street is also going to be closed.
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