Taken July 15.




So I guess that portion that is on Hurontario St. is an above ground parking garage. Should NEVER have been allowed to happen. I hope at least the first floor of it will be something else. That's two above ground parking garages right beside each other at one of Mississauga's biggest intersections.
Well it looks like there will still be a lobby or some retail presence on the ground floor, with the parking starting above. Sort of like what Trump is doing downtown.
The lobby is on Enfield Pl.

They never showed in any renders the Hurontario portion of this building, which is very sneaky. I'm really not a fan of Conservatory Group.
July 27 2009 update

please pardon the poor quality cell phone camera ~

WideSuites now on the 6th floor (2 level lobby shown)...

Whoa, look at those huge concrete walls... I don't remember seeing those in the renderings...
That's because they barely showed any renderings. Just like how they didn't show any for the Hurontario side, and the massive parking garage.
thanks for the rendering PE ~

In due respect, I don't mind the design of this building ... to a certain extent I actually like the 'curved' part of the tower

Does anyone know who is the architect here? I'm guessing it may be E.I. Richmond, they seem to do quite a few Conservatory Group's buildings ~
August 17 2009 update

North Elevation - of the parking garage

Southeast Elevation

Southwest Elevation
