Dec 22 Visit




What the heck is that form doing hanging off of the top floor like that? Looks like it's ready to take flight.
What the heck is that form doing hanging off of the top floor like that? Looks like it's ready to take flight.

All that took place within 2 minutes when I first shot the west side looking north and then south.

Never notice it until your posting.
update by Jasonzed over at SSC......


I meant to post the other day that the glass has started to be installed.
I really like it. It's a different glass than what we have been seeing in the City Centre.
I wish I knew. I was thinking of calling the sales centre and asking. Do you think they would know?
Retail in the area is having a hard time not only now, but for some years of all things.

The old Lone Star building has gone through over a doz of business including night clubs and all have fail.
