This building is going up with ridiculous speed. CASA has been going up at a solid pace and had a 1 year head start on X if memory serves me. Yet I can see the first tenants occupying X only 3 months later than CASA & BSN at the current rate.

Though I share your enthusiasm, I wouldn't lump BSN and CASA in the same boat here - BSN has taken far longer to construct than its beautiful sister to the south.
Though I share your enthusiasm, I wouldn't lump BSN and CASA in the same boat here - BSN has taken far longer to construct than its beautiful sister to the south.
ya. and bsn is 40m smaller so it should have been topped out way before casa. I like them all so as long as they finish im happy.

by sammo at skyscraperpage
May 8th Update

The forms are being moved up to start the 10th floor, and the construction elevator car has arrived.

It's the 9th floor they are setting up forms for and pouring, not the 10th.
Build Up, you beat me today!

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

X beginning to rise from a distance

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ya. and bsn is 40m smaller so it should have been topped out way before casa. I like them all so as long as they finish im happy.

I was referring to the commencement of construction not the on sale date.

BSN has topped out CASA has not yet...however from the inside BSN is entirely a shell still while CASA is making lots of progress inside as well as outside.
The progress here is absolutely's like they're doing 2 floors per week right now.
The progress here is absolutely's like they're doing 2 floors per week right now.
ya they've really picked up the pace lately. before it was like 1 floor every 1and a half weeks
^Great angle, DT. It's really looking wonderfully dense just north of Rosedale.

When you move into Casa you should have a good view of Rosedale too, it's beautiful in the summer
It sure is, I'm really amazed at the speed here. This baby is completing one floor a week with ease. Did Casa go up this fast once it got past the above ground parking levels? I walk past here every day as it's on my dog walking route, I only passed Casa perhaps once or twice a week.
