Alex, if you had joined a few years ago, you likely would have come to the conclusion that UT was a hotbed for minimalist modernism worshipers... that was definitely the case when I first stuck my foot in the door here.

I think what changed was that many of the longtime members have gotten tired of retyping the same defenses of their position, quite understandably. At the same time, I think more members have joined recently who do like frilly, over-festooned, old-timey, hystericist - I mean historicist - PoMo, Vic-Schtick, Forgin' Georgian, and the like, and they have been more vocal about it as of late. It's a sign of the apocalypse - I mean a sign of more populist sentiment on an increasingly diverse UT.


Nah, we long timers have realized the superiority of our unassailable arguments and came to accept that not everyone can claim to have good taste :p

Thanks for all the opinions and I agree that most of the comments are from a vocal minority.

Sometimes it bugs the hell out of me when most of the projects that I am reading through starts with "that building is terrible" and the likes which makes me think....what on earth do you guys want?!?! Why don't YOU come up with a design since you guys know so much about what looks good and not......then i settle down and close the browser :p
We all want something different, and there's no real way of knowing here what the majority think, just us noisy cranks. You have as much right to state your opinion here as anyone other poster, knowing of course, that it may be questioned, or critiqued, or even agreed with, and probably all of those things!

Is anyone here working on X or knows someone who works there? I would love to see some interior pics. :p
At its basest, and regardless of how practical or aesthetically pleasing any given example may be, the humble Toronto box gets it from both sides - from those who simply adore pippypoo and doodad encrusted buildings because they're nostalgia wraiths longing for the return of the architectural "good old days" ... and from those who want to see a high fashion Edifice Complex built down by the lake because to have what everyone else apparently has will make us reely, reely world class.

Somewhere - way off in the distance, linked in some sort of debased design continuum - the extremes of pretentious historicist pastiche and shape du jour car crash design meet up, shake hands, and have much in common.
Well X is well liked because, well there are few buildings that are black. The only I know is the TD centre.

It also looks sharp and clean...
Something really confuses me here on this forum...A general consensus I gathered since becoming a member here back in June is that people HATE rectangular buildings becuase it's uninspiring and bland....don't get me wrong, I really like X but what confuses me is why this rectangular building is exceptionally 'stunning' to so many of you?

If we take your "general consensus" to the nth degree...

"uninspiring and bland"

Neither uninspiring nor bland
After admiring it from down the street for the past few weeks I finally got the time today to actually walk by X, and was astounded at the poor quality of the exterior panels, especially at the corners. The southwest corner of the building was particularly bad, with everything being so crooked and out of plumb that it gives the edge of the building a choppy look. I guess it could possibly be fixed from the outside off a swing stage later, but I can't see them going to the bother. Kind of disappointing tho, that the supposed homage to Mies is so poorly executed.
Taken today. Looked like some of the cabintry and appliances are already installed on the lower floors. I am slightly disappointed that the sliding doors are not floor to ceiling like Casa.


Sweet Jesus, Redroom!!!! Phenomenal pics! What a view!! :eek:
That is one amazing view! The people moving in there are so lucky to live in such an awesome building with this killer view! Great photo.
