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    organic overlay.jpg
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There was allot to be demolished, hehe :D ...
Not to so much prep work for Couture and X2, but still, I can't stand noise.
The idea of ruined sat and sun mornings is auful :(.

I don't believe they can do regular construction or demolition work on Sundays in residential areas. I'm not sure if Charles & Jarvis is designated as an official residential area or not but I'm pretty sure the X site was quiet on Sunday's.
X, today

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

and just for fun, a photo-shopped version without anything on the roof or the construction elevators

I live on the N/E corner of Bloor Walk and the noise never really bothered me in the mornings (then again, I sleep like a rock, so I may be lucky in that respect). What bothered me more was all the dust brought up by excavation and construction, not to mention the demolition of the previous building. That was really the primary incentive for keeping the windows closed, and made growing veggies on the balcony rather difficult.

Speaking of demolition, I thought I would repost the clip of the final gasp of the old police station before it bit the dust:
I live on the N/E corner of Bloor Walk and the noise never really bothered me in the mornings (then again, I sleep like a rock, so I may be lucky in that respect). What bothered me more was all the dust brought up by excavation and construction, not to mention the demolition of the previous building. That was really the primary incentive for keeping the windows closed, and made growing veggies on the balcony rather difficult.

Another friend of mine lives on the 6th floor at 235 Bloor East (corner of Jarvis & Bloor) and he faces Jarvis Street on the east side of the building. He heard the noise from X and said it was a hassle but didn't seem as troubled by it although he's mentioned a few times that he's dreading going through it all again with Couture. You also don't face the X site which probably helped considerably too.
Another friend of mine lives on the 6th floor at 235 Bloor East (corner of Jarvis & Bloor) and he faces Jarvis Street on the east side of the building. He heard the noise from X and said it was a hassle but didn't seem as troubled by it although he's mentioned a few times that he's dreading going through it all again with Couture. You also don't face the X site which probably helped considerably too.

Although I'm on the N/E corner, my bedroom does in fact face the X site. In any case, I too am not looking forward to the construction hassles of Couture going up, although I relish the thought of it blocking the rest of my view of the Rogers Building (that brand of garish PoMo just doesn't do it for me).
Although I'm on the N/E corner, my bedroom does in fact face the X site.

Of course it does, you have the same suite only flipped as my friend - my apologies. He's on the S/E corner, not the S/W corner (an "07" unit on a lower floor) as I incorrectly stated above. His bedroom and den do indeed face east. I guess what it comes down to is some people are just more sensitive to noise than others.
Your friend could potentially be my next-door neighbour. If that's the case, I hope the dinner party I'm hosting tonight doesn't make too much noise ;)
X looks great amidst the clear blue sky!

Truly a grand building!.. It really dominates that side of town!
casaguy, you are just CRUSHIN' it tonight.......:)
X from above

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

The lane-way which leads to X's parking, and a walkway from Charles E. through to Hayden Street (not yet complete).

