Gerstein has a comparable footprint to the tower portion of X2, so I think they could easily throw up a 30-40 storey tower there.
X was a fun "pop art" version of a Mies Van Der Rohe.

This X2 thing is just... I don't even know. It nullifies the design features of the original "X" condo such as its low podium, its narrow balcony insets (and therefore stressed verticality), etc. etc.

I really really really don't like this X2 concept at all. I'd rather just have X than a poor continuation of the theme.
I can't imagine much going on the site of the Gerstein center (based on its footprint) other than a small low rise component, perhaps an x3 but exclusive condo, ie. 1 unit per floor for 10 floors, that would be really neat in a mini version of the x and x2.

I'd hate to see Gerstein go, it serves an important function as a short stay unit for people in distress with mild mental illness. If they were to sell the property to be developed I'd like to see a deal whereby they get access to one or two floors (say the 2nd & 3rd floors) so that they have more much needed space and to continue their good work as they do now. I think that would be a fair trade-off and a cash cow for The Gerstein Centre for years to come.
This post just confirms what most of us always suspected: Mies used a Mac.

Libeskind's crystals, on the other hand, are strictly Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V...

It's worth noting that Toronto had experience with geologic crystal shapes atop funhouse steel supports long before Libeskind came to town:


X was a fun "pop art" version of a Mies Van Der Rohe.

This X2 thing is just... I don't even know. It nullifies the design features of the original "X" condo such as its low podium, its narrow balcony insets (and therefore stressed verticality), etc. etc.

I really really really don't like this X2 concept at all. I'd rather just have X than a poor continuation of the theme.

Like a photocopy of a photocopy or a clone of a clone, where you lose a bit of quality each time? Fortunately, when you start with a high-quality original, you have a lot of room to fall...X2 could be cheapened and made cruder and still be more attractive than 90% of condos going up.

Maybe it's the blue glass in the rendering that's throwing people off...maybe people are assuming it'll end up being green glass.
(And again) There's a development application for the Gerstein Centre from about 2002 for a 12-15 storey condo.
X2 will bask in X's reflected glory. There's enough kinship for one to carry the other. They're not identical twins, and it's better that the little sister doesn't pretend they are.
I don't like it. X on it's own is an outstanding building. This looks like a knock-off done by another architect. They should have gone with something completely different.
What was wrong with the first design they had for X2?? It looked cool! We really need the design panel to start enforcing better buildings!!! Im sick of seeing copy cat buildings! X1 is great but build something intersting to compliment it!
Full page ad for X2 in Metro today. Sales begin in November, I believe it doth say.

I wonder if the Star ad on the weekend was a mistake re: 41 floors as the render in the ad was clearly 45 floors.

Does anyone know the floor number advertised in the Metro?
The metro also says 41 floors

It depends a little bit if they count the lobby as one or two floors.
They were mounting 2x4's to the face of the Pizza Pizza building today. It looked like it was a backer for some signage
Metro ad says the price starts from $184,990. I believe both X & Couture starts around $270K range. Does anyone know why there is such a huge price differnece?
I don't know, I think X2 will be a great addition. It's different enough from X to... look different, but similar enough that they're clearly part of the same overall development. I look forward to seeing both X and X2 on the skyline.
X started at the same price.

The prices you mentioned was likely latter on when they had only larger units left.

Usually I recall, the small units under 200k are bought right away by everyone.
