Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

I love this ad! I have never heard of amenities referred to as "Addictive" before. Perhaps they will have an on-site drug dealer who sells "X"tasy?

I was vaguely aware that the 80's were back in fashion but Sooooo "Miami Vice"... I had no idea!
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

For those who haven't seen it, compare to the non-gay media in the Oct. 26 - Nov. 9 edition of Condo Guide

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

I love this ad! I have never heard of amenities referred to as "Addictive" before. Perhaps they will have an on-site drug dealer who sells "X"tasy?

I was vaguely aware that the 80's were back in fashion but Sooooo "Miami Vice"... I had no idea!

Isn't that gnarly!

Does anyone know if X2 will have a Charles St address, as X1 apprently does..

The residential entrance is on Charles Street so it will likely have an address somewhere in the area of 99-103 Charles East
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Sales Office

The X2 Sales Office make-over in progress, formally 103 Charles East

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

A reminder of how it used to look from mid-September and then mid-October, respectively

i'm sorry but that pink is too over-the-top.

will the marketing of X2 will be geared primarily to stylish flamboyant gay men?

i'm actually offended that they used that shade of pink to subliminally associate itself with pink triangle.
LOL! .. Pink just does't suit X's personality IMO... The buildings are plain and simple (black) and pink is too much of a loud colour...

I guess the colour of the sales centre doesn't matter too much though..
There's one or two of us...

A pink skyscraper, now that would be a sight. It'll happen sooner or later, and probably in China.
"There's one or two of us..."

Interesting...can we start a poll in the appropriate section. I've also wondered about that, but also suspect the percentages vary by the poll should be targeted at those who vist the P +C, Buildings, Real Estate section.

But back to X2 ...the pink is a terrible choice. I do not know if it was borne out of genuine market research, or someone's shallow gut feeling.
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Setting aside the morally neutral chromatic qualities of colours - including pink - their cultural associations vary through time and fashion, and across geographic regions. And of course different colours create certain psychological effects - agitating, calming, etc. - and in contrast to or harmony with other colours they advance and retreat and trick the eye. Pink may not be a major "guy" colour by present cultural standards but it has been macho in the past - there's an embroidered collar detail on an 18th century men's jacket that was on display in the ROM's Textile and Costume gallery until recently that's gorgeous, for instance.

Richard Beal, one of my ( straight ) design instructors at OCA(D) in the early '70s, and an avowed peacock, used to wear a pink suit to class occasionally ... and he looked splendid. He played against the cultural associations of that sissy colour ( strong in those days, even at an art school ) and it worked for him because it set him apart and created a certain mystique. I assume the marketers of X2 are up to something similar. They've certainly prompted interest here.
There's one or two of us...

A pink skyscraper, now that would be a sight. It'll happen sooner or later, and probably in China.

It's no skyscraper, but you don't have to look further than Mississauga for one. They're much pinker in person.

The hand-wringing over the colour choice of their marketing is so precious!!! They chose pink because it's punchy against their black and white collateral, not because they're trying to attract gays, or women (though I'm sure both were brought up as reasons during their pitch).

As for 80s Miami Vice, it would have been a small amount of hot pink set against pastel blues, greens and pinks. (guy on the left's glasses should have been stomped on years ago).
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