It doesn't really make a difference whether I give specific points as to what I dislike about this art, or simply just say it's, "boring". In the end, the impression I'm left with is the same. Detailed explanations aren't always necessary. I don't really know how to answer why I don't like it. It just doesn't invoke any sense of pleasure for me. My feelings are entirely visceral.

What do you see when you look at both pieces? I guess the red one reminds me of embers and I imagine the blue one as a jellyfish embedded in the pavement, with its tentacles sticking out of the ground. Not terribly deep, I know.
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It doesn't really make a difference whether I give specific points as to what I dislike about this art, or simply just say it's, "boring". In the end, the impression I'm left with is the same. Detailed explanations aren't always necessary. I don't really know how to answer why I don't like it. It just doesn't invoke any sense of pleasure for me. My feelings are entirely visceral.

What do you see when you look at both pieces? I guess the red one reminds me of embers and I imagine the blue one as a jellyfish embedded in the pavement, with its tentacles sticking out of the ground. Not terribly deep, I know.

Thank you for taking the time to express that. It makes dialogue more enjoyable for everyone!

Even if you're not floored by the work, both of the things you described are pretty cool experiences, no? I get the sense that there are billions of these spikes underfoot and in a few select places, they're managing to penetrate the crust and reach for the sky. Dangerous and exciting stuff.
That's what GG was required to provide for their C37? that's a joke.

Could be worse.

No piece of public art will be universally loved. Everyone will have their own take on why a particular piece works or why it doesn't.

I like an abstract piece which despite a lack of formal representation (or resemblance to an incontestable real-world object) still elicits an emotional, spiritual, and/or intellectual response from me… in other words I want my imagination to be engaged. 'Double Take' certainly does that for me, and in fact I would say that it enhances my appreciation for 'Double Vision' across the street. I think they make a great and mysterious pairing, for which every viewer will be able to conjure their own narrative.

Thank you for taking the time to express that. It makes dialogue more enjoyable for everyone!

Even if you're not floored by the work, both of the things you described are pretty cool experiences, no? I get the sense that there are billions of these spikes underfoot and in a few select places, they're managing to penetrate the crust and reach for the sky. Dangerous and exciting stuff.

No problem.

Yes, I guess it makes dialogue more interesting.

What is your avatar supposed to be? It looks like a guy holding a weapon, and he has the had of an alligator.
Could've been a LOT worse.

I think the X(n) art pieces are quite nice. Simple and elegant.

I do like the two X buildings art pieces. However, I find that it's inadequate and should be more substantial for their C37 requirement.

The Cinema tower is just ridicules. It honestly looks likes it's from the Flintstones.
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You mean S37… but you don't mean S37.

Section 37 monies are spent on public benefits in the area around the buildings for things like streetscape improvements, park improvements, affordable housing, libraries, etc.

The spending on Public Art comes from the Percent for Public Art Program, which requires that 1% of the total spending on a project goes toward a pieces/pieces of art which meet certain City criteria.

You mean S37… but you don't mean S37.

Section 37 monies are spent on public benefits in the area around the buildings for things like streetscape improvements, park improvements, affordable housing, libraries, etc.

The spending on Public Art comes from the Percent for Public Art Program, which requires that 1% of the total spending on a project goes toward a pieces/pieces of art which meet certain City criteria.


Does anyone know what GG's S37 monies were used for?
Windows are going up on the penthouse level.



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