Wow this comes up every few pages...

If York Region wants subways let them build their own lines with their own subway cars. The TTC needs to stop bending over backward for the 905 (ie York Region).

Where do you think those commuters from the 905 are going? They are going into Toronto to work, to shop, to entertain themselves.
Commercial real estate is taxed at a rate 3 times residential. Would you rather people stopped coming into Toronto to Work and play?
It in the best interests of Toronto for people from the 905 to be able to get into the city quickly and cheaply. That selfish attitude is about whats best you, not the people of Toronto or the cities coffers.
Where do you think those commuters from the 905 are going? They are going into Toronto to work, to shop, to entertain themselves.
Commercial real estate is taxed at a rate 3 times residential. Would you rather people stopped coming into Toronto to Work and play?
It in the best interests of Toronto for people from the 905 to be able to get into the city quickly and cheaply. That selfish attitude is about whats best you, not the people of Toronto or the cities coffers.

On the flip side, keeping effective transit inside Toronto's boundaries will give people less incentive to move out side of the 416 in the first place. TTC focuses its efforts on improving transit INSIDE Toronto’s boarders, then people wouldn't be moving into the 905 to make use of a York Regional Subway in the first place.

Vaughan is rich. Neighborhoods in Vaughan have lights inlayed 5 meters apart into the bricks walls that divides subdivisions from main arteries. They can afford to put up some money into the Subway.
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On the flip side, keeping effective transit inside Toronto's boundaries will give people less incentive to move out side of the 416 in the first place. TTC focuses its efforts on improving transit INSIDE Toronto’s boarders, then people wouldn't be moving into the 905 to make use of a York Regional Subway in the first place.

Vaughan is rich. Neighborhoods in Vaughan have lights inlayed 5 meters apart into the bricks walls that divides subdivisions from main arteries. They can afford to put up some money into the Subway.

So your line of thinking is "Toronto needs to improve transit, otherwise people will move out to the 905". That doesn't really make much sense. What are people moving out to the 905 for then? Better transit? Not likely. People move out to the 905 because they want a bigger house on a larger lot on a quieter street. They know full well that transit services will not be as good in the 905 as the 416. It doesn't matter how much transit is improved in Toronto, this desire will still exist. Better transit isn't going to change that.

There are many factors that cause people to move out to the 905, but better transit sure as hell isn't one of them.
That being said in cities with good transit London New York Paris the place to be is as close to the city as possible. is it possible that because transit sucks in the 416 and people have to drive anyway they might figure well if im going to drive anyway whats an extra 10 minutes to get a mcmansion..
If York Region wants subways let them build their own lines with their own subway cars. The TTC needs to stop bending over backward for the 905 (ie York Region). YRT/Viva should be looking at ways to build their own subway network, with lines connecting to existing ttc subway stations perhapse. There no reason for the TORONTO Transit Commission should be moving into other municipalities, this is not GO transit people. Next thing you know it Durham Region would want the Bloor Danforth line extended into the Pickering-Ajax area.
Are you suggesting that Toronto pays fully for Toronto's subways? That's the only logic I can see for drawing a line in the sand and saying 'no farther'. As it's the provincial taxes that pay for the subways why should some provincial citizens get all the subways while others living a few thousand meters away get none?
Are you suggesting that Toronto pays fully for Toronto's subways? That's the only logic I can see for drawing a line in the sand and saying 'no farther'. As it's the provincial taxes that pay for the subways why should some provincial citizens get all the subways while others living a few thousand meters away get none?

it's pretty obvious why. the 905 apparently should be punished for sprawling, so instead of providing transit to become more dense, we should banish them to forever clogging Toronto's streets!
because currently it is difficult to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton. In the future unless a DRL happens which diverts ppl off the yonge line it will become IMpossible to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton during rush hour... the yonge line simply cant handle any more users. As much as the province might pay for some of the TTC in taxes, they dont pay enough to justify mid town toronto and under not being able to get a seat on the subway. Especially when 905 has GO options but 416 along the yonge line has NO GO options.. All this would do is in the best senario take 905 cars off the road and put 416 cars on the road. But hey at least the 416 cars wouldnt be driving as far. Thats terrible logic if you ask most torontonians.
because currently it is difficult to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton. In the future unless a DRL happens which diverts ppl off the yonge line it will become IMpossible to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton during rush hour... the yonge line simply cant handle any more users. As much as the province might pay for some of the TTC in taxes, they dont pay enough to justify mid town toronto and under not being able to get a seat on the subway. Especially when 905 has GO options but 416 along the yonge line has NO GO options.. All this would do is in the best senario take 905 cars off the road and put 416 cars on the road. But hey at least the 416 cars wouldnt be driving as far. Thats terrible logic if you ask most torontonians.
So you don't want more subway, because the parts you need are already there and you have a greater right to transit than someone else. Most Torontonians support Rob Ford as well, that doesn't mean their logic is sound.

The Spadina and Yonge extensions were part and parcel with the funding for Automated Track Control. Over the next 15 years they'll expand capacity on the Yonge line by 50%. So unless you are suggesting that 1 in 3 riders below Eglinton will be coming from York Region (which would be an impressive uptick in ridership), the net impact is an increased chance of getting a seat.

If you want to get a seat on the subway, I suggest not going at rush hour. If we could break this habit of everyone trying to go to work and home within the same 1-3 hour period, we wouldn't have the peak capacity issues that we do.
people go to work when they are suppose to work. I know some companies offer flexible hours but others dont. Why should 416 be inconvienced. Im ok with a yonge extension but only if we have a east DRL that goes all the way to Eglinton. Help fund that and Im ok. FTR I dont live anywhere near the y&E intersection but the problem is well known just as it is as Yonge and Bloor.. Telling 416 residents to simply change their job hours is a simplisic answer to a complex problem. It would be the same if a 416 person simply said to the 905 resident GET A JOB IN YOUR OWN CITY...
If York Region wants subways let them build their own lines with their own subway cars. The TTC needs to stop bending over backward for the 905 (ie York Region). YRT/Viva should be looking at ways to build their own subway network, with lines connecting to existing ttc subway stations perhapse. There no reason for the TORONTO Transit Commission should be moving into other municipalities, this is not GO transit people. Next thing you know it Durham Region would want the Bloor Danforth line extended into the Pickering-Ajax area.

I was going to respond to this fully, but decided not to.
But as usual, all of Toronto's problems are the 905's fault -- Fucking LOL.

Also, someone had mentioned better transit in Vaughan/905 -- to be quite honest, I have seen such an improvement in Transit in my 20 years in Vaughan that I would classify it more reliable than the TTC. Buses have GPS, they're all comfortable and pretty much on time, not to mention the forward thinking starting with BRT and possible upgrades to LRT and then yes, getting the subway up here was a big win. Not to mention anything that the TTC does build north of Steeles will be maintained and paid for by York Region; it's not the TTC "bending over" its Toronto and York Region working together to build better transit.
because currently it is difficult to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton. In the future unless a DRL happens which diverts ppl off the yonge line it will become IMpossible to find a seat if you are getting on at eglinton during rush hour... the yonge line simply cant handle any more users. As much as the province might pay for some of the TTC in taxes, they dont pay enough to justify mid town toronto and under not being able to get a seat on the subway. Especially when 905 has GO options but 416 along the yonge line has NO GO options.. All this would do is in the best senario take 905 cars off the road and put 416 cars on the road. But hey at least the 416 cars wouldnt be driving as far. Thats terrible logic if you ask most torontonians.

Getting a seat on a transit system, or atleast most of the transit system's i've been on, is very difficult and only happens after peak-hours (like in Toronto). Ask how many suburban commuters get a seat on their bus in to toronto to catch the subway? maybe, MAYBE, VIVA users may get a seat, but considering the amount of time they have to spend commuting I think it's understandable if someone who commutes for over 1.5 hours gets a seat compared to someone on eglinton who spends maybe 35 minutes.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are just as many people (if not more) who go from toronto to the 905 to work. Clogging 905 streets, and taking up seats on 905 transit. If the VIVA was clogged all day from 416 commuters i actually wouldn't mind. It's a sign that the system is paying for itself. I never get on the bus or subway and expect to get a seat, I think the majority of people don't expect to get a seat.

Currently the road section of Yonge between Finch and Highway 7 is running at over capacity. The commuter lanes are often clogged with long lines of buses, in fact I would go so far as to argue that this congestion is CAUSED by the large amount of buses using this stretch (buses often have to go from the far right commuter line to the far left to make a left into the YRT and TTC bus terminals at Finch). The subway extension isn't a means of increasing ridership, it's a means of replacing the current system of buses with a more efficient and higher capacity system of subway cars.

The area that the Yonge extension would service has NO GO options, unless what you are recommending is someone at yonge and steeles takes a bus north along the most congested portion of Yonge st towards highway 7 to catch the GO train to go back south to Union. Although if the subway was extended i'm sure the trip from steeles or clark, etc would be much quicker to the GO station to take the train down to Union, than it is today, ironically...
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the 905 isnt responsible for all of the 416 problems.. infact it was 416 who voted for FORD so at least currently we are the only ones to blame for our transit mess. That being said its frusterating that the spadina extension happens before the DRL because the government thought they already had toronto votes but thought they could buy Vaughan votes. This is coming from a torontonian who would probably benefit more personally from the spadina extension then from the DRL... but its not about what suits me better its what suits the city better. I wish people thought this way when they voted..
Getting a seat on a transit system, or atleast most of the transit system's i've been on, is very difficult and only happens after peak-hours (like in Toronto). Ask how many suburban commuters get a seat on their bus in to toronto to catch the subway? maybe, MAYBE, VIVA users may get a seat, but considering the amount of time they have to spend commuting I think it's understandable if someone who commutes for over 1.5 hours gets a seat compared to someone on eglinton who spends maybe 35 minutes..

I appologize. I should never have used the word "SEAT". Seat or no seat there isnt even standing room by the time the train gets to eglinton NOW. I have no problem standing but you need somewhere to stand. I dont think 416 residents should have to wait for 2 or 3 trains to go by before they can get on a train to stand up in.

As for your comment that you would be happy if 416 were clogging up 905 busses because then they would be paying for themselves. Well I guess they would be getting more revinue but every rider is subsidized. In half empty busses any extra fairs count. In over capacity already profitable subways it doesnt help as much.
