Toronto business and multi-res taxes are generally higher than elsewhere, when these are lower and SFH taxes raised to offset that lowering the difference is not as large as you imagine.

Also, PS, household incomes are lower in the City of Toronto than the surrounding GTA

York Region's median household income was $112,000 in 2016 vs The City of Toronto at a mere $84,000

Brampton sat at over $87,000 in 2016; while Oakville was $113,000 and change and Burlington $93,000

This idea that the average Torontonian is just loaded with disposable income is a myth.

Again, I'm pro higher taxes in the City, but when I see stuff like this, which is born out of bias and misunderstanding rather than fact, its a problem.

I don't support that idea that municipal taxation should be based on residents' disposable income, rather than the fair cost of delivering services.

But, while we're on the idea of disposable income, I might also point out that housing costs in Toronto are significantly higher than any other municipality in Ontario. So, even if Toronto has a nominally higher median household income, residents likely have less disposable income on average than most GTA municipalities.
Feels like we're veering off into another thread here....

Any way you slice it, the City has not raised sufficient funds to operate as it should. They have also chosen to do special levies for things like the Gardiner and Scarborough subway and not others. These are all deliberate choices and sustained for over a decade.

That's all that really matters.
I concur that we ought to return this thread to its core subject as we have others where we discuss City politics and finances.
Massive crane at Steeles and Hilda this morning. Is this for Yonge North?

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-28 at 8.24.34 PM.jpeg
Massive crane at Steeles and Hilda this morning. Is this for Yonge North?

View attachment 516288
Drove past this twice today. Looks like they were doing something with the roof of the tall building beside it. That building is 32 stories tall so the crane must've been reaching a height of somewhere around 40 stories. I was quite confused to what I was seeing aha.
I'm curious why the RFQ for the tunnelling contract hasn't led to the issuing of an RFP. Could this be a delay to manage the budgetary constraints of having too many projects on the go at once?
Drove past this twice today. Looks like they were doing something with the roof of the tall building beside it. That building is 32 stories tall so the crane must've been reaching a height of somewhere around 40 stories. I was quite confused to what I was seeing aha.
The councilor's office said it was hydro work.
Drove past this twice today. Looks like they were doing something with the roof of the tall building beside it. That building is 32 stories tall so the crane must've been reaching a height of somewhere around 40 stories. I was quite confused to what I was seeing aha.
no its probably hvac plant replacement at the mech penthouse
A Report to next week's Executive Ctte meeting recommends the City forward its strategic case for Cummer Station to the province/Mx.

I don't have to time to copy/paste the details right now, but some may find them of interest.

As previously noted in EX5.3, the preliminary estimated total cost of Single Builddelivery (i.e., building the full station as part of the YNSE project) for Cummer Station is$445-470M and $535M-$545M for Phased Build delivery (i.e., building part of thestation now and completing it later). Under both options, roughly $70M would berequired to add Cummer Station (or protect for Cummer Station in the Phased Builddelivery scenario) to the YNSE scope.Given the inability to secure sufficient funds through proceeds from TOC projects, thelack of City funding availability and the short timeline required for the commitment offunds, City staff do not support assuming responsibility for the costs to deliver CummerStation.

wat. Is this saying what i think its saying?

"no u" to the province?
wat. Is this saying what i think its saying?

"no u" to the province?

The City is saying:

"We support building Cummer Station"

"We do not have the funds, nor feel it is our responsibility to pay for it"

"You, Ontario, decide; but here's the case for building it."
