It won't be long until someone whinges "Where are the retro rockets?! We were promised retro rockets in the very first renderings!"
I wouldn't start judging the quality of this design based on these ethereal, faraway, night-time renderings. Recall that this is what it's supposed to look like up close:

Yeah, it's hot:


Seriously hot renderporn :D

great photo or great marketing (both i think :p)! Makes Yonge st look like the center of the universe! ha
I really wish for some more height here, and a more iconic design (yes that word gets thrown around a lot, but considering how a tall tower here would have most of the skies to itself, it's gonna have a sizeable impact.

it's not a horrible design they have though...looking forward to more renders
This should be one of those developments that comes down to quality details. Those stylish balconies look quite refined in that close up rendering.
I wouldn't start judging the quality of this design based on these ethereal, faraway, night-time renderings. Recall that this is what it's supposed to look like up close:

It's the bulkiness of the tower that bothers me. But ultimately it will all come down to how it meets the street. Lombard has a lot of potential to be a really nice street. It has some nice landscaping on the south side and a few nice heritage buildings on the north side. I really hope the architect takes context into consideration rather than just plunking down another ready-made building designed to maximize floor space.
