^It won't be car oriented because students don't drive. Also, they're redeveloping parking lots for crying out loud. Isn't that what we all want?

The road is too wide, the setbacks are too deep. It doesn't have a campus feel.

Sure developing the parking lots is great!

Now develop them with attractive buildings, instead of soul-crushingly dull boxes, set those buildings back no more than 5m from the curb, and then only to allow for generous streetscaping, make the road interlocking pavers with a maximum row of 7M curb to curb. Now we're talking.

Defending this is like saying "look, my child graduated grade 4, isn't that great progress!" Sure it is; but is it wrong to set your sights a bit higher?
These look great and the retail has also filled in to animate the street level. York typically doesn't get a lot of recognition but they've put together a nice collection of buildings on its campus.
It's a box.


Which streetlight are they intending to use, there's a pseudo-Victorian design in the foreground of one pic and the rest are more modern.

The Victorian is entirely out of place; the modern is very humdrum.

Modern does not have to mean boring...........but in this case, the shoe fits.
