Peoples comments basically are that this will cause a traffic mess at yorkdale (from the Toronto Star Online comment section) However maybe I am idealistic but I hope that after lawrence heights redevelopment and a downsview parc redevelopment and the new condos at Lawrence and Dufferin that alot of the new Yorkdale shoppers will not be commuters but people from the community who can walk bike or transit to the mall. I use the mall almost exculsively from transit. I do wish the subway to the mall connection was redesigned with less stairs and also wider..
I know there was talk about Oxford paying for the re-installation of Arc en Ciel at Yorkdale Station as the token community benefit. Is there still a good chance this will still happen?
I hope that will happen too, but it was not mentioned, so I am wondering if all of the public benefit money this time is going into improved access to the station: I imagine that will be expensive. If Arc en Ciel is not to be reinstalled at this point, then I hope that what Yorkdale general manager Anthony Casalanguida told The Star is true; that this will not be Yorkdale's last expansion. If they are expanding again in another couple of years, then I would push for Arc en Ciel then if we don't get it this time.

Meanwhile, here are the renderings; first three of the new retail area to the southwest, then working over to the new food court in the space that was originally Eaton's third floor.










I like that they are going to green the roof. That's really great to hear.
They definitely need to make the mall more accessible to the subway. All those stairs are annoying. I'd also love to see tee the Arc de Ciel re-instated.
I wonder if there might be a Target in the plans that is motivating this expansion? If not, maybe another department store like Nordstroms? I read somewhere they were looking at expansion into Canada. It would be a good compliment to Holt's too, high end but far more conservative.
Adding condos would create a nice mix to this area. However I hate to deal with the mall traffic nearby (especially on weekends and holidays).
Lets pretend they added an office addition to the mall.. Lets also pretend the office addition had a significant underground parking... This would cause more business type shoppers during the day and additional parking for shoppers at night. Similarly if they were to sell part of the land for a condo. They could use the money from the sale of the land to pay the developer to put in an extra few floors of parking.. Again new shoppers but also new parking...
I don't see Target fitting in at Yorkdale, but you never know.

I thought that too but isn't there an Old Navy at Yorkdale? Target does at least have the cheap chic caché to it... and I wonder if they could do a multi-level urban format like they have in other cities?
This area is a traffic nightmare during almost all business hours (and worst on weekends). I am not quite sure how they can make arguement about sustainable development, when in reality, the car pollution alone (as a result of unmoving traffic) is a horrific crime. And any new develpments in this area and its surrounds, will only make the present problems worse.
