I'd be very happy with both a team at downside and the development that would go along with it. I don't think it's going to happen although I don't see the issue that money can't solve. New York has three teams. LA has two. We can have two. It isn't rocket science. Just figure out how much the team needs to pay the leafs for planting a team in their area. I assume Sheppard west subway extension would happen if this happened. All around I like it even if I don't think it's realistic.
They'll have to get rid of Bettman first. He's never supported a Canadian expansion team - not enough TV rights revenue.

Interesting development. Not sure it's quite the same as New York here. The New York teams have certain geographic distinctions that help them divvy up the fan base. Devils play in Jersey. Rangers play in Manhattan. Islanders play in Brooklyn and Long Island. I could see a case for a team in Mississauga. Not another one inside the 416 itself.....
Yup, a team based in Mississauga or *gasps* Hamilton makes way more sense than another 416 team located on the same subway line as the Leafs. (As if MLS would ever let that happen.)
Well personally I'm all for VMC. That place is booming. On a highway. On a subway line. And needs something other than condos to justify Metropolitan Center.
Yup, a team based in Mississauga or *gasps* Hamilton makes way more sense than another 416 team located on the same subway line as the Leafs. (As if MLS would ever let that happen.)
Wait so you think a team in a cty with 600000 people makes more sense than having 2 teams in a city with 2800000. I love Quebec City but that's exactly why they lost their team and are not getting another team. 600k people is not enough people to support the premium tickets and the executive boxes a team needs to sell. Especially in Hamilton which is not exactly a premium market. Maybe up and coming but definitely not premium in relative terms to Toronto.
Wait so you think a team in a cty with 600000 people makes more sense than having 2 teams in a city with 2800000. I love Quebec City but that's exactly why they lost their team and are not getting another team. 600k people is not enough people to support the premium tickets and the executive boxes a team needs to sell. Especially in Hamilton which is not exactly a premium market. Maybe up and coming but definitely not premium in relative terms to Toronto.
It's not about the city, it's about the GTAH. The population of the GTAH supports 2 teams regardless of where those teams are (within economic constraints)
It's not about the city, it's about the GTAH. The population of the GTAH supports 2 teams regardless of where those teams are (within economic constraints)

Exactly. You can't look at Mississauga, or even Hamilton for that matter, and say "oh only 600 000 residents" the same way that you can look at Winnipeg's population 800 000. It's about the entire catchment area, who cares if it's in Markham, North Toronto, Vaughan, Mississauga, or Hamilton they are all drawing from the same pot of residents. Perhaps this is a contributing reason for the lack of a second team in the GTAH there is no consensus on where the team would be located and each potential site is fighting the other.
It's not about the city, it's about the GTAH. The population of the GTAH supports 2 teams regardless of where those teams are (within economic constraints)
I don't think that exactly makes the most sense. That would suggest that people from Toronto would drive out to Hamilton to support a team there. Many Torontonians think of any place outside of Toronto as the country. Then there are the Torontonians who think just the outer 905 is acceptable driving distance. So maybe they would drive to Mississauga, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Pickering. But I assure you most would think Hamilton is too far. Now let's pretend there were people who would like to support the team in Hamilton. The NHL has 7PM games. Hamilton's basically an hour outside of Toronto but could be an hour in a half in rush hour. could be even further in winter months. It's not really realistic to expect people to drive that far and that long to games. This is why people build stadiums centrally located and why Ottawa Senators stadium in the suburbs doesnt work really well and especially not for executives and business suites. Now I would believe that people in Oakville, Niagara, and Burlington would support the team but that's a considerably smaller amount of people and you'd still have problems since many of the Oakville and Burlington people are Toronto workers. So you'd be asking these people to drive into Toronto in the morning, then drive past their house to a game, and then drive home after. That's a lot of driving. Good luck with that model. On the other hand if the team's in Vaughan, a lot of Torontonians who are priced out could go, Torontonians who have given up on the leafs could go, Mississauga people are familiar with going to Toronto and they could go, vaughan residents could go, and Richmond hill people could go. It's not only more people closer to the stadium, it's more people with deeper pockets. That's just my opinion but ideally I think any 2nd team should be as close to yonge as possible to attract people from the east and west.
If the NHL played only 16 games like the NFL I would agree that people would drive in from all over. But you have to fill a stadium 41 different nights. That's a far greater commitment.
...now that the Q series is definitively split from the BBD bizjet production, it's not like Longview can presume on being able to move over to Bombardier's new Pearson shop if PSPIB lowers the boom at some point, unless a side deal exists...
They've said they're looking at locations in Ontario, if they have to leave Downsview.
...DHC decided to restrict its search for other suitable airport homes to just the province of Ontario...
They've said they're looking at locations in Ontario, if they have to leave Downsview.
In theory Oshawa should be able to allow a D8 to take off? Just a question of whether there is a room for an assembly building within the current available/brownfield spaces. Either there or Hamilton would seem reasonable fits with good access to skilled labour forces.
Interesting. I didn't know the company name had been reconstituted. Oshawa seems to have a strained relationship with its area residents. If they do get into the maintenance business, I would imagine they would want a fairly uncongested flight test area. Tough to find around Toronto. I believe North Bay has a reserved flight test airspace N/E of the airport, either because of Voyageur Air or a legacy of Bombardier or the RCAF.
Just announced that Bombardier will move Bizjet production from Downsview to Pearson. Move will happen by 2023.
Just announced that Bombardier will move Bizjet production from Downsview to Pearson. Move will happen by 2023.
Will the existing downsview plant continue assembly on any other aircraft type? In other words, will the airfield at downsview continue to be active after 2023? This has huge implications on many development sites around it.
Will the existing downsview plant continue assembly on any other aircraft type? In other words, will the airfield at downsview continue to be active after 2023? This has huge implications on many development sites around it.
I don't believe so. DHC is moving Dash 8 production.
