The large size of the Secondary Plan area and the areas designated for residential uses will
result in a number of new neighbourhoods to be developed over time. To meet the needs of
Toronto’s residents, new neighbourhoods will contain a mix of housing that contributes to
the full range of housing in terms of type, tenure and affordability. Affordable housing and
rental housing are important components of a healthy housing mix. The amount of land to be
developed for new housing in the Secondary Plan area offers an opportunity for the significant
achievement of affordable housing and rental housing. A strategy for providing affordable
housing will be included in the development approvals for each District. The following policies
will ensure the successful development of the diverse, healthy communities that Toronto needs
to thrive.
3.5.1 New residential development will achieve a full range of housing opportunities by type,
affordability and tenure, including purpose-built rental housing, both within Districts and over
the entire Secondary Plan area.
3.5.2 A minimum of 30 percent of new housing units in each District will be in forms other than
single-detached and semi-detached houses. The variety of unit types provided should include
housing with 3 or more bedrooms.
3.5.3 Affordable housing will be required in the Secondary Plan area and all affordable housing units
will be provided within the Secondary Plan area as part of a community benefit under Section 37
of the
Planning Act
and such units will be distributed proportionally across and within Districts
that permit residential uses.
3.5.4 Based on the residential development permissions provided for in this Secondary Plan,
affordable housing will be provided on the Parc Downsview Park Inc. and Build Toronto lands as
Parc Downsview Park Inc. - a minimum of 720 affordable housing units on lands which
permit residential uses and are under their ownership or authority at the time of the
adoption of the Secondary Plan.
Build Toronto – a minimum of 300 affordable housing units on lands which permit residential
uses and are under their ownership or authority at the time of the adoption of the Secondary
3.5.5 The affordable housing requirement for each of Parc Downsview Park Inc. and Build Toronto will
be re-evaluated if additional residential development beyond that provided for in this Secondary
Plan is proposed or being considered.
3.5.6 The affordable housing requirement, set out in Section 3.5.4, will be calculated and achieved
on a District basis and will not be based on the size of individual development parcels within
Districts. The City may permit at its discretion a variation in the proportion of affordable housing
provided within a District, provided that a mix of housing is achieved in the District and the
overall requirement for the Secondary Plan Area is not reduced.
3.5.7 The affordable housing requirement, set out in Section 3.5.4, may be achieved by the conveyance
of land in the Secondary Plan area to the City, subject to the City, at its discretion, accepting the
owner’s proposal.
3.5.8 Affordable housing units in each District will be provided generally in the same proportion
(total number of units) and mix (unit type) as the residential units that are not affordable
housing units. This includes providing grade-related units with 3 or more bedrooms if this
type of housing is being provided. A higher proportion of units with 2 or more bedrooms in the
affordable housing component will be encouraged.
3.5.9 At least 50 percent of all affordable housing units will be affordable rental housing.
An affordable housing strategy is required at the District Plan stage that provides for the
achievement of the affordable housing requirements in the District.
Affordable housing strategies will include:
numerical targets by tenure and unit type, and by development parcel or phase within the
context of the proposals for development of the housing that does not include affordable
units; and
the proposed order of development within the District, and the identification of how the
affordable housing will be delivered to ensure that affordable housing requirements are
achieved prior to or at the same rate as development of the non-affordable housing units;
proposals to meet any of the affordable housing requirements through the conveyance of
land to the City, at the City’s discretion; and
for Parc Downsview Park Inc., for the second and subsequent Districts, the affordable
housing strategies shall also report on the achievement of affordable housing to date in all
Districts and any proposed modifications to future achievement.
The Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) is allocated 225 residential units to replace their
existing military housing in the Secondary Plan area. For the purpose of determining affordable
housing requirements, CFHA housing is excluded from any calculation of total housing units
or affordable housing units, and is not interpreted to be affordable housing for the purposes
of the Official Plan. The CFHA is strongly encouraged to develop a full range of housing types
to provide for the varied housing needs of the Canadian Armed Forces personnel and their
Implementation of affordable housing strategies as per Section 3.5.4 will be secured through the
use of such mechanisms as agreements between public agencies and the City, conditions for the
release of holding provisions for zoning and agreements pursuant to Section 114 of the
City of
Toronto Act
(2006) and Sections 37, 41, 51 or 54 of the
Planning Act.
Employment Areas
The Secondary Plan area contains employment uses with large land area requirements: the
Bombardier Aerospace manufacturing facility and associated runway; the Department of
National Defence; and the Toronto Transit Commission rail yards. The intent of the Secondary
Plan is to continue to support these uses as their surroundings evolve and urbanize.
4.4.1 The Bombardier Aerospace lands, which include the manufacturing operations and the
airport runway, are recognized as a large employment use within the Secondary Plan area.
Development proposals for the Bombardier Aerospace lands will be evaluated to determine
impacts on the aviation manufacturing and testing operations of these lands.
4.4.2 The Department of National Defence (DND) lands are recognized as lands used for military
purposes, including administrative and armoury uses, research and office uses associated
with the military, training activities and supportive uses such as a daycare and family resource
centre. Development adjacent to DND lands may be impacted by DND security requirements.
4.4.3 Notwithstanding the
Employment Areas
policies of the Official Plan, the TTC parking lot on
the south side of Wilson Avenue between Billy Bishop Way and Allen Road, will continue
to be permitted to develop with retail and service uses such as retail stores, restaurants,
supermarkets and complementary retail and service uses.
Mixed Use Areas
Lands designated
Mixed Use Areas
are located around the Downsview subway station and along
Keele Street north of Sheppard Avenue. These locations are in transit supportive locations,
on Avenues, and can support an increased scale and level of development without conflicting
with flight operations of the nearby airport runway. These lands are encouraged to develop
with intensive mixed use, transit-oriented development. In particular, the lands around the
Downsview subway station are encouraged to develop as a sub-centre with predominantly
commercial and office uses