I drove into the city via the Gardiner the other day exiting via the Spadina off-ramp, a little bit of a detour I sometime treat myself with as I always enjoyed the view of entering the city centre this way. Sometimes in the past I would even take guests into the city this way from the airport to give them a fun little view of the city centre.
In sorry to say, I think I'm done with this. The crop of development over the last decade has in my opinion turned this area into one of the ugliest parts of the city. Liberty village is part of this problem but by no means the only culprit. This looks like more of the same.
I appreciate the development momentum, population densification, potential for more and more affordable housing options for people looking to live in the core of the city, and even the beefing up of the skyline, but I think I'll be exiting at Jameson for good now.