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I take TTC everyday....and in the last few days, I have noticed that the train's air conditioning has been turned on. WHY? Either the trains/buses are over-heated in the winter or too cold in the summer! Can't they control it? I mean, they keep crying about no money, and ya, with the gas price running off the'd think TTC should know better!!! Unbelievable!
Interesting. Only a few days ago I was sitting on a bus with the heating still on, even though it was a comfortably warm day.

Thank God TTC isn't like bus operators in Hong Kong, who charge an extra fare for riding an air-conditioned bus.
Wow, they charge you an xtra fee for AC there, that sux! lol
I'll keep that in mind if I go there one day (which I intended on) :)
So when do they turn the A/C on, in the buses. Last year I was mostly on streetcars and subway, and very short bus rides, so I didn't really notice. But this year I'm doing a 30-minute ride at 7:30 AM - and I was roasting today with all the windows closed and no A/C!
Were you not able to open the windows?
There don't seem to be any proper windows on the new buses - just those really narrow ones near the ceiling, that aren't accessible if your sitting down (difficult to stand-up in a full bus).

Given that it's a high of 30°C, clearly the AC would be turning on at some point in the day, so opening them is just silly ... though someone did open the one above me ... and it didn't make much difference.

So when in the day do they turn them on? Is there a temperature they activate at?
Maybe they're following the city by-law on heating in apartments. Heating must be on between Septemeber 15th and June 1st. It's now May 21st, so heat must be available in apartments, air-conditioning is still considered a luxury. Maybe they are using the heating by-law as a guideline for transit.
Maybe they're following the city by-law on heating in apartments. Heating must be on between Septemeber 15th and June 1st.
Yikes - hopefully the by-law says that heat must be available if necessary. Any landlord who has the actual heat turned on when it's 30 degrees outside should be put in jail for attempted manslaughter!
remember when seinfeld was taking the subway to coney island, fell asleep and that big fat guy across from him took off his clothes?

they better turn that AC on fast!
Yikes - hopefully the by-law says that heat must be available if necessary. Any landlord who has the actual heat turned on when it's 30 degrees outside should be put in jail for attempted manslaughter!

While still no excuse for landlords. There is a difference between having the heat 'on' vs the heating system actually running. Nobody in their right minds has their heating system run at 30 degrees, if you set it at 22 degrees and it's 30 then the heat does not come on.

Now if its say Sept 1'st (when the landlord is not required to have the heat on) and it's only 10 degrees outside, you are going to be one chilly tenant.
Nobody in their right minds has their heating system run at 30 degrees, if you set it at 22 degrees and it's 30 then the heat does not come on.
I've seen buildings that have boilers with no thermostats - simply an on and off switch. Temperature is contolled by opening the windows.

Now if its say Sept 1'st (when the landlord is not required to have the heat on) and it's only 10 degrees outside, you are going to be one chilly tenant.
10 degrees outside, and your in an apartment building? Won't be cold inside ... if it is, turn on the oven.
10 degrees outside, and your in an apartment building? Won't be cold inside ... if it is, turn on the oven.
Not all apartment builds are huge buildings that maintain heat that well. I had this problem when I was renting a first floor apartment in a small building with ten units. The apartment could get chilly near the edges of the legal heating season.
I've seen buildings that have boilers with no thermostats - simply an on and off switch. Temperature is contolled by opening the windows.

A lot of our 60s slabs seem to be this way. Will financing new heating systems be part of Miller's apartment retrofit program?
The heat is currently on in my apartment building. I have been sweating my ass off the past 2 days. The building has only one option at a time. I actually asked the manager today, and he said that the air conditioning won't be on until around June 1st.

My mom was on the bus Wednesday, and she said it was also very hot, and only one window open. Personally I think the law should be that heat should have to be turned off by the middle of May.
My mom was on the bus Wednesday, and she said it was also very hot, and only one window open. Personally I think the law should be that heat should have to be turned off by the middle of May.
Which is fine - unless it is snowing in mid-May - there was a frost in parts of the GTA only 5 days ago.

The requirement should simply be based on outdoor temperatures.
