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Hipster Duck

Senior Member
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Apr 25, 2007
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So today at 12:10PM I noticed that somebody had broken a glass bottle of olive oil on the steps of Sherbourne subway station. Rivers of oil were dripping down half of the width of the stairway and shards of glass were sprinkled throughout. If anybody ran down the stairs they'd end off witha pretty unpleasant afternoon.

I alerted the station attendant about the spill and he dismissed me with a look of ennui and a wave of the hand.

Let's take bets! How long will it be today before somebody gets seriously injured at Sherbourne subway station, shutting down the subway station and causing delays? It's 12:31 now and so far no incident.
the same thing kinda happened with someone i know. the person saw a dieing animal in front a subway station where the bus pulls in. the person told an employee from the ttc but the employee didn't do anything about it. every time a bus came by, it would go over the animal.
A squirrel? A pussycat? A doggie? A parrot? What?

Many of us walk past people lying in the gutter every day and hardly give them a second glance. Rigor mortis might have set in for all most of us know or care, so inured have we become to what's going on in our great, fallen city.
Hipster Duck:

I'll bet it'll be a TTC employee taking his time returning from Coffee Time who slips and falls, then finds a way to blame the Commission for his work-related injury, and gets ATU Local 113 to call another illegal strike on this issue (but pretend it's about something else). The collector that waved you away will be used as a prop to show how TTC employees are heroes, and we should feel privileged that we should pay not only their wages, but also their Ontario tax as well.

Please don't take the above too seriously.

Ha ha, I wouldn't take my bet too seriously, either.


Well, I'll be darned.

I returned just now and the staircase was fully cleaned and barricaded at the top and bottom. Looks like the TTC does what it's supposed to every now and then.
Shockingly, I have never seen someone slip on the Museum stairs (they're the only ones in the city that I hold the railing while walking down) but I did see someone slip at the Bedford St. George entrance stairs a few years back. They had some kind of neck/back injury, but, fortunately, some paramedics/EMTs were at Tim Horton's next door and were there almost immediately.
Skunks are tiny - but when they're alive and full of beans ( or whatever it is they're full of ) they seem enormous and threatening up close and personal.
If it was a skunk being run over you wouldn't even have to guess what it was from the smell.

Funny that one crossed my path on the way to work today. Maybe no coincidence that work today stunk.
