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Apr 23, 2007
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TTC replaces vicinity maps, but still some work to do
Posted by Sean Marshall

If you commute regularly on the TTC subway, you might have noticed the new “station and vicinity†maps that have been placed in the large information panels. I wrote late last year about the badly out-of-date maps the TTC had previously used, specifically highlighting a map in a recent renovation of Spadina Station that still had marked the route 77 Spadina Bus route (which was discontinued with the opening of the new Spadina Streetcar route in 1997).

Well, the TTC has finally began replacing the maps with new editions. Unfortunately, after having a closer look at two stations, St. Andrew and Wilson, these new maps aren’t exactly up to snuff. For one thing, the gray, beige and white colour scheme (with the occasional green or blue) is not aesthetically pleasing.

In the above image — in St. Andrew Station — many things have been brought up to date. The recent renaming of BCE Place to Brookfield Place is reflected, as is the new opera house at Queen and University. Most of the major nearby office towers are illustrated, but strangely enough, so are the locations of Rogers Plus stores.

But some obvious features are missing. St. Andrew is one of the closest stations to the sports venue formerly known as SkyDome, yet that facility, under its old or new name is not shown on the map, nor is the GO Transit bus terminal on “The Esplanade†between Bay and Yonge. Also missing is Simcoe Street’s new extension which finally opened under the railway corridor. Other nearby attractions, such as the large movie complex at Richmond and John (an easy walk from St. Andrew), and the Much Music building at Queen and John are also missing. The legend also includes a wheelchair symbol to indicate accessible subway entrances. While St. Andrew is not an accessible station, the southeast entrance of nearby Osgoode Station has an elevator for disabled patrons, and nearby Union and Queen Stations are also accessible, these important features are not shown on this map.

But most importantly, the connecting surface bus routes are nowhere to be seen, which I think is one of the most vital pieces of information needed to both commuters and visitors. The old maps showed not only lines for the bus and streetcar routes, but also the locations of where they stopped. Neither are shown on these new maps.

I was excited when I heard that the TTC was going to replace their sometimes way outdated station area maps, but these new replacements are sadly disappointing. I am hopeful that the TTC takes this advice when they do the next versions of the maps.
Landmarks Vanish! Tourists Mystified!!

Updated September 21 at 3:25 pm: The TTC has announced that it will be reviewing, correcting and replacing the new maps. I do not know the details of basic design issues such as a clear identification of entrance locations and inclusion of surface routes, but I hope to get more info as the week goes on.

This morning, I visited many stations with the intention of posting a consolidated view of things. That post would rival my yet-unpublished detailed film festival reviews for length, and would be of limited long-term value. However, a few common threads do emerge:

* Old buildings are hard to kill off, even when they no longer physically exist. The TTC could argue that nobody will be looking for these buildings, but something else may be there today.
* Information about schools is largely missing and, when present, is often inaccurate. Also, the TDSB Education Centre became part of the UofT years ago (I should know, I used to work there), but it’s on the map for Queen’s Park.
* Union Station is inconsistently identified (on the King Station map, you wouldn’t even know it was a major rail terminal).
* Many buildings or sites of interest are not shown, but there is no consistent pattern in what’s missing. Some buildings are not in their correct location.
* Information is not consistent between maps covering the same area for different stations. This is particularly evident for the UofT campus and Queen’s Park.
* Most of Ryerson doesn’t exist according to the TTC.
* The TTC should conduct a spelling bee for street and building names. The winner gets to review the new maps.
* Some stations have old maps, or multiple versions. St. Clair has a new map at the main entrance (mezzanine level) and an older map at the north entrance. Spadina has two generations of maps, both out of date (these include the Spadina bus south of Bloor Street).
* The TTC Lost Articles Office is on the Bay and Bloor-Yonge maps as if it were simply a building, not part of Bay station. It is not on the St. George map.
* Space for advertising takes precedence over maps. The only map at the north end of Bloor-Yonge station is on the south wall of the east mezzanine. The only maps at Dundas are on the southbound side, but there are three of them, all close to each other.
* Visual clutter is a very serious problem at some stations.

The original post follows the break.

This post picks up from a thread on by Sean Marshall.

The TTC is now installing, new, updated area maps for all of its subway stations, and they are so bad in so many ways. The TTC gets a lot of flak for lousy customer information, and better materials and services are one of the TTC’s key goals. On this project, they have failed astoundingly.

Someone decided to get new maps. Someone either assigned the project in house, or contracted it out. Someone thought that graphic layouts that would shame a student in elementary media arts were good enough for the TTC. Someone didn’t bother to proof-read the maps or check the basic data that went onto them.

A great deal of time, effort and money went into producing and installing materials that are woefully inaccurate, and this will all have to be done over again. I hate to say it, but this is precisely the sort of project that gives “public servants†a bad name.

Someone needs to seek alternative employment.

Sean began his commentary on St. Andrew Station, but wanting a closer look, I went there today and took a photo for myself.

This map has so many errors that I had to print a copy and start making notes. I will leave most issues of style, typography, legibility and other matters related to design and usability to Joe Clark who often fumes at length about these subjects.

My concern is solely with accuracy. Maps are, after all, supposed to tell you the lay of the land.


* The maps are not to scale.
* Buildings, where they are shown at all, are often crammed into less space than they deserve.
* Buildings are named in very small type which does not always fit within the supposed outline of a landmark.
* The shapes of buildings and parks do not generally match their actual layout.
* The station where the map is located is identified with a larger icon than other stations on the map, and its entrances are shown individually. Alas, this also blocks out part of the nearby area causing affected sites to be ignored or misplaced.
* The legend includes a green P for parking, but no lots are actually shown even though they do exist. It is unclear why someone in a subway station needs to know where parking lots are anyhow.

Missing Buildings

Buildings are included in this list because comparable information is provided on other station maps, because other items in the same class of building (e.g. hotels) are shown, or because they are items of major interest.

* Ogden PS (on Phoebe Street, shown as a park)
* Osgoode Hall and Law Courts
* City Hall (New and Old)
* Elgin-Wintergarden Theatre
* St. Michael’s Hospital
* Holiday Inn
* King Edward Hotel
* Strathcona Hotel
* The Domed Stadium / Rogers Centre
* The CN Tower
* The Convention Centre
* The Intercontinental Hotel
* The Cosmopolitan Hotel
* The Cambridge Suites Hotel
* The St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts
* The Government of Canada offices on Adelaide east of Victoria
* The Albany Club (the Wellington Club is shown although I have never encountered anyone asking where it might be found)

Misidentified and Mangled Buildings

* The Exchange Tower also includes “Rogers Plan 5341″
* 145 King West is identified by street address, a treatment not used for other buildings
* Many building sites are shown incorrectly to occupy much less space in a block than they actually do. Examples include the CBC Broadcast Centre and Scotia Plaza.
* The Eaton Centre is incorrectly named as “Eaton’s Centreâ€
* The building at the northeast corner of Adelaide & University is labelled as the “Guardian of Cananda Towerâ€.

Street Naming and Placement

* The Gardiner Expressway is called “Gardnerâ€.
* Simcoe Street ends at Station Street although it actually goes under the rail corridor to Queen’s Quay.
* St. Patrick’s Square is not shown, but lanes in the same area are.
* Renfrew Place is shown as ending at McCaul Street when it actually runs through to John Street.
* The Esplanade is shown between Bay and Yonge in the area that is actually the bus terminal.
* Adelaide, Richmond and Wellington Streets west of Yonge have no “W.†included in their names, although corresponding streets east of Yonge have “E.â€.

Transit Information

* Neither the subway nor the surface routes are shown on the map.
* The Yonge line stations are coloured orange, not yellow, the standard colour for the YUS on all other TTC maps.
* Union Railway Station and Bus Terminal are not shown, although the words “Via and Go Transit†do appear on top of the rail corridor.

Meanwhile at Broadview

When I had a look at my home station, Broadview, the map isn’t as much of a mess. However, that’s fairly easy given that almost half of it is the Don Valley. The following items are notable:

* An animal hospital that is actually on Danforth east of Broadview is shown in the block actually occupied by Broadview Station. The icon for Broadview Station interferes with correct placement.
* The Music Hall Theatre is shown at the corner of Broadview and Danforth when it is actually half a block to the east. Again, the proper space taken up by the “Broadview†icon.
* The Green P lot immediately east of the station is not shown, nor is any other in the area.
* Jackman Junior Public School is labelled a “Junir†school.
* Frankland School (Logan south of Danforth) and Rosedale Heights (at Castle Frank Station) are not shown.
* City Adult Learning Centre (known as CALC) is labelled “City of Toronto Adult Learning Centreâ€.
* The nearby “Public Washrooms†have been closed for an extremely long time, and the building now has other uses occupying it.
* Chester Village Extended Care closed well over a year ago. The building is now being rebuilt for another use.
* The road layout at the DVP entrance west of the viaduct is not shown correctly.
* At least the subway line colour is green, the correct one for the BD line.
* An last, but not least, Chester Station is shown on Jackman Avenue, one block west of its actual location.

The Roxy Lives!

I passed through Greenwood Station tonight, and noted that the Roxy Cinema, long the home of Rocky Horror screenings, is shown even though this theatre has been closed for well over a decade.
Mind the map? TTC didn't
September 22, 2009
Jesse McLean
Staff Reporter

The CN Tower is a 10-minute jaunt from St. Andrew subway station. But a new TTC map posted at the station doesn't show that.

According to the map, the Toronto landmark doesn't exist. Neither does the Rogers Centre or City Hall.

The maps, intended to show transit users what city sites are nearby, have been raising eyebrows since they started to appear three weeks ago.

The St. Andrew edition also has several glaring typos. The Gardiner Expressway is listed as the "Gardner," and the Toronto Eaton Centre is incorrectly dubbed the "Eaton's Centre."

"It's unacceptable," said Mitchell Kosny, director of the school of urban and regional planning at Ryerson University. "I wouldn't even accept work from my students – I wouldn't even look at it – if it had those types of errors."

The maps will be taken down and redone, said transit chair Adam Giambrone.

"Part of the issue is there is no one who oversees map creation ... This time, I'll see the maps before they go up," he said, adding that he only saw the graphic for Sherbourne station before the maps were released.

He expects the corrected versions to be installed in late October. Many of the maps in the city's 69 stations hadn't been updated in years. The maps cost the city about $2,000.
"Part of the issue is there is no one who oversees map creation ... This time, I'll see the maps before they go up," he said, adding that he only saw the graphic for Sherbourne station before the maps were released.

Nobody proofs them? The TTC should post them here so we can proof them first.
I can't believe that a large transit organization like the TTC wouldn't even have one person in charge of mapping or cartography - cities like London put us to shame. They need to hire someone competent for this ASAP. I can foresee the Spadina extension making the current subway map quite cramped ... and this episode doesn't give me confidence that they'll do a good job of managing that.
Wow, I almost puked when I opened the link to the Spacing article and saw the photo. I may or may not have nightmares in which those station icons chase after me with chainsaws, lead, of course, by the giant one in the centre of the map.

I'm beginning to think that I could run the show over there at the TTC.....only as drunk as I would be on a two week holiday to a Cuban resort all-inclusive featuring a 24-hr bar. For serious.

I don't understand how those were ever approved. As a client, you have a right and responsibility to consult with the contractor at every stage of a work's progress. And if it was done the bastards and give me a stab at it. I'd cost less than those unionised drones anyway.
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I can't believe that a large transit organization like the TTC wouldn't even have one person in charge of mapping or cartography - cities like London put us to shame. They need to hire someone competent for this ASAP.

Maybe they do. Maybe that person is just completely incompetent. Would that surprise you, coming from a city bureaucracy?

PS: A lot of cities put us to shame in a lot of different ways. We do it to ourselves, the ever self-flagellating.
"It's unacceptable," said Mitchell Kosny, director of the school of urban and regional planning at Ryerson University. "I wouldn't even accept work from my students – I wouldn't even look at it – if it had those types of errors."
tations hadn't been updated in years. The maps cost the city about $2,000.

Its true! I can just picture his reaction to someone submitting one of those maps for grading. The TTC could have gone to a Planning Studio group at Ryerson to come up with new maps for the system, free of charge, and would have had way better work than whoever they paid to do this junk.
I really wish that the TTC would create a vicinity map, similar to Montreal’s, including one that we can download on the computer, in PDF form. If the same map can be used both for the station and in download-able PDF form, the excuses about cost can be reduced.

Click on this link to see Montréal's station information version, and click on the thumbnail to see the PDF map version.

I stayed at a hotel in the neighbourhood, and used this map to get around.
Montreal ones are great ... but keep in mind they went over a decade without updating the ones on the web; and the ones in the station seemed in even worse shape. If they can maintain them, they are great!
To be honest, I don't get what all the fuss is with this.
Ok, the TTC made a big F-up with this, but the news is all over this like the world got lit on fire or Michael Jackson came back from the dead.

Sure, they should be avoiding glaring inconsistencies like this, especially when they're so easily avoidable, but they didn't kill anyone. In fact, they didn't even harm anyone. Is there really nothing better to report on or something? I know the war on terror's getting boring and Obama's been in for over half a year, but really... subway maps? :rolleyes:
I'd agree with you if this was the only thing the TTC screws up. But it isn't. It's indicative of a sclerotic, embedded culture of near-criminal incompetence there that shows up in everything from stations that aren't cleaned properly, to perpetually broken escalators, dead-in-the-water hybrid buses, bizarre marketing campaigns (Hot dealz anyone?), surly collectors, bunched-up buses, mysterious streetcar short turns, off kilter route supervision, deranged transit planning (*cough* Transit City *cough*) and an endless number of other issues that, in and of themselves, would merit censure of the TTC. These f'ed up maps are simply another, dismal manifestation of the rot seeping away at this profoundly misled organization.
